The list also includes Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Slovenia, Hungary and Morocco, the territories of Britain and the states of Upper and Lower Austria.
The list also includes Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Slovenia, Hungary and Morocco, the territories of Britain and the states of Upper and Lower Austria.
Liguria’s response was immediate, through its institutions. In fact, the Region has written, attaching the corresponding documentation from Alisa, to the Swiss Consul General in Italy and for information to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Di Maio so that “the Swiss authorities will again make a decision distorted by inconsistent data on the territory. regional “or, alternatively,” limit their prescriptions to the regional areas most affected by the infection. “
According to the Liguria Region, the Swiss Public Health measure is part of an automatic mechanism that is activated in the event that in a region there are more than 60 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days. “In particular in the case of Liguria – reads the note of the Region – this threshold corresponds to an average of 70 cases per day: this
exceeding the threshold is entirely attributable to the La Spezia group, the rest of the Ligurian territory remains mainly below the indicated parameter “.