Calabria, Messignadi, a village of 600 inhabitants, becomes the red zone after 13 positives
Since last night, the small village of Messignadi di Oppido Mamertina has been declared a “red zone” with a special order from the president of the Calabria region, Jole Santelli. Ordinance that imposes the limitation of trips to and from Messignadi, which has a population of 600 inhabitants. The decision was made after it was discovered that up to 13 people tested positive for Covid 19, all members of five families who came into contact with a woman who after days of fever was subjected to a swab that later tested positive. All the others were infected by the woman because they came into contact with her. Now we try to understand how the woman, who is 80 years old, could have been infected and by whom. For two days, the local police and the carabineros, together with the health authorities, have been verifying the chain of contacts that the positives have had with other people in the area. Many tampons have already been manufactured and many are also planned at Oppido Mamertina for today and tomorrow, starting with some residential centers for the elderly and shelters, including the RSA of the city hospital. The mayor of Oppido, Bruno Barillaro, invites everyone to calm down, expecting the maximum cooperation from citizens, but many fear a further spread of infections.