Bologna, January 1, 2021 – I am 2,629 new cases of Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna on 11,372 swabs made in the last 24 hours. the yesterday’s newsletter Recorded 2,116 contagion more than the previous day, out of a total of 15,735 tests.
The percentage of new positives over the number of tampons today is 22.9% while yesterday it was 13.4%. The incidence rate is much higher than the national one, which is currently just over 14%.
Today’s newsletter records other 70 victims in the region. Emilia-Romagna patients hospitalized in intensive care I am 231 (-2 compared to yesterday), 2,643 in other Covid departments (+14).
“These days we are witnessing an increase in positive cases, in Emilia-Romagna and in the country – says the regional adviser for health policies, Raffaele Donini -. Partly expected, because we are serving some week before christmas what did you see greater freedom of movement and personal and social relationships of citizens. Furthermore, the high number of molecular buffers we do it, more and more are added every day quick swabs, almost 30 thousand in the last three days alone: an ability to test the population that allows us to find many asymptomatic and therefore do more control and prevention. But above all it is important to start yesterday, after the “day of the vaccine”, of the real vaccination campaign against Covid. We started with the health personnel, operators and patients of the CRAs and in Emilia-Romagna we set the goal of obtaining 50 thousand vaccines a week: now more than ever is the time to keep our guard up, to continue to respect safety rules “.
The numbers of January 1 and the latest follow-up on the spread of the coronavirus in Italy
I am 22,211 the new cases of COVID-19 in Italy in the last 24 hours. The new newsletter of the Ministry of Health. With 157,524 swabs (yesterday 186,004 swabs, therefore more than 28 thousand less) the percentage of positive swabs rises to 14.1% (yesterday instead of 12.6%).
the victims instead, they are 462 (555 dead yesterday) for a total of 74,621 to date. Intensive care patients have dropped two units, resulting in 2,553 (yesterday +27), with 145 new daily admissions (yesterday 202). Nice decline instead for him ordinary hospitalizations, 329 (yesterday -415), for a total at this time of 22,822. 549,392 are in home isolation (yesterday 544,190);
People currently positive for the coronavirus in Italy increase for the second day in a row. To date there are 574,767, 4,871 more than yesterday. There was also an increase on December 31, but from 5,501.
In general, write the Control room of the Ministry of Health In the report examining the period 21-27 December 2020, theincidence in Italy is still very high and the impact ofepidemic it still holds up in most of the country. The value is still far from levels (50 cases per 100,000 in seven days) that would allow the complete recovery of the identification of cases throughout the national territory and follow up on your contacts. This situation confirms the need to “maintain the strict line of the mitigation measures adopted during the Christmas holidays”.
Contagions in the Marks: updated numbers – Coronavirus in Tuscany – Covid in Lombardy: today’s data
Colors and restrictions: what happens from January 7 – Red zone: the rules of sport
The virus in Emilia Romagna: today’s figures
Since the beginning of the Covid 19 epidemic, they have been registered in Emilia-Romagna. 174,141 cases of positivity, 2,629 more than yesterday, out of a total of 11,372 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs made since yesterday is 22.9%. Also made 11,559 quick swabs.
1,168 asymptomatic people were identified as part of the regional contact tracing and screening activities: 563 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 114 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 27 through serological screening, 12 through of pre-admission tests. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 452 cases.
Overall, 517 of the new positives were already isolated at the time of swab execution, 568 were identified within known foci.
The average age of new positives today is 46 years.
The situation of infections in the provinces is appreciated Bologna with 564 new cases; Following Modena with 512, Ravenna (292), Reggio emilia (259), Rimini (258), Piacenza (188), Ferrara (142), Parma (93). Then, Cesena (129), Forlì (117) e Imola (75).
The symptomatic province by province
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 15,654 a Piacenza (+188 compared to yesterday, of which 102 symptomatic), 13,092 to Parma (+93, of which 28 symptomatic), 23,625 to Reggio emilia (+259, of which 158 symptomatic), 31,387 Modena (+512, of which 334 symptomatic), 34,545 to Bologna (+564, of which 304 symptomatic), 5,578 cases a Imola (+75, of which 28 symptomatic), 9,293 to Ferrara (+142, of which 27 symptomatic), 13,121 to Ravenna (+292, of which 131 symptomatic), 6,151 to Forlì (+117, of which 91 symptomatic), 6,394 to Cesena (+129, of which 102 symptomatic) and 15,301 to Rimini (+258, of which 156 symptomatic).
The dead of Emilia-Romagna in today’s bulletin: 33 in Bologna
Are registered 70 new kills: 1st Piacenza (a 92-year-old man), 3 in the province of Parma (an 82-year-old woman and two 82 and 92-year-old men), 2 in the province of Reggio emilia (two men of 82 and 92 years old); 9 in Modenese (five women – one 51, one 61, two 89 and one 94 – and 4 men, one 62, one 69, one 71 and one 88); 33 in the province of Bologna (16 women – 67, 77, two 81, 85, 88, 89, three 90, three 93, 94, 95, 99 years old – and 17 men: 69, 71, two 72, 80, 81 , two of 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, two of 90, 91, 96, 97 years); 1st Imola (a 94-year-old man); 18 in the province of Ravenna (11 women of 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 97, 100 years old, and 7 men, of 65, 84, 85, 86, 91, 92, 98 years old); 2nd Forlì-Cesena (A 90-year-old woman in Cesena and a 75-year-old man in Forlì. One death of an 85-year-old man residing in another region. There are no deaths in the Ferrara and Rimini provinces.
In total, there have been deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic 7,808.
Where the most seriously ill are hospitalized
Patients admitted to intensive care is 231 (-2 compared to yesterday), 2,643 in other Covid departments (+14).
In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 14 to Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 16 years old Parma (+1), 20 to Reggio emilia (-1), 51 to Modena (-1), 45 to Bologna (-1), 14 a Imola (+2), 26 to Ferrara (-2), 18 a Ravenna (-2), 5 a Forlì (no change), 4th Cesena (+1) and 18 years Rimini (unchanged).
Active and cured cases
the a total of 3,118 people recovered more than yesterday and reach height 109,546.
me active cases, that is, actual patients are currently 56,787 (-559 compared to yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, total 53,913 (-571), 95% of all active cases.
Anti Covid vaccine in Emilia Romagna: data from January 1
In Emilia-Romagna they are already 3,161 people vaccinated against Coronavirus In addition to the 975 doses administered on Sunday, December 27, Vaccine Day in Italy and Europe, the 2,186 vaccinated yesterday, the first real day of the vaccination campaign: 1,587 women and men working in regional health between doctors, nurses and operators, and 599 in CRA, residential facilities for seniors, also here among staff, workers and patients (of the latter, 282 vaccinated).
In detail, regarding the personnel vaccinated by health authorities, local health authorities and hospitals, the 1,587 vaccinated on the first day are divided as follows: 150 to Piacenza, 60 to Parma, 306 to Reggio emilia, 324 to Modena, 220 to Bologna, 80 to Imola, 89 to Ferrara, 358 on the Ausl Romagna (102 to Ravenna, 160 to Forlì-Cesena and 96 to Rimini).
Starting tomorrow, January 2, the vaccination campaign will resume at full speed, with the health companies at full capacity with the administration.
How many are vaccinated in Italy, real-time data
In fact, on January 25 they will arrive in Emilia-Romagna. 220 boxes of Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine; Within each package there will be up to 1,170 doses, for a total of more than 257,400. They will be delivered and distributed to local health authorities and hospital-university companies, from Piacenza to Rimini, for this first phase of the vaccination campaign aimed at the world of health and residential facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities.
After the first arrival, on Wednesday, December 30, the four different days will be completed. January deliveries: Monday January 4, 11, 18 and 25.
Vaccine package arrivals will also continue during the month of February, to allow the completion of cycles that require the administration of two doses at a distance of 18-23 days from each other. It’s in March it will begin with the vaccination campaign for the rest of the population.
All regional delivery points have very low temperature cells, -70%, called “Ult” (ultra-low temperature) to allow the preservation of the vaccine.
The first box of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine, with 975 doses, which left Belgium on December 24 bound for Rome, was taken over by the army and arrived at the Bellaria hospital in Bologna on December 27, to be distributed in points of the regional territory for the 5th day. All other packages will be delivered directly by Pfizer.
Vaccines, where doses are administered in the region
The points identified by individual health authorities for the administration of vaccines are: Piacenza the hospital analysis laboratory; for Parma the Maggiore Hospital; for Reggio emilia the old Spallanzani hospital; for Modena the civil hospital of Baggiovara; for Bologna the Palazzo Congressi della Fiera and the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute; for Imola the Autodromo Medical Center; for Ferrara the Sant’Anna di Cona Hospital; for Romagna the Pala De Andrè a Ravenna, Cesena Fiera and the Rimini Exhibition Center.
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