Coronavirus Italy, Viola’s immunologist: “Block for one week a month”


Rome, November 2, 2020 – In the anxiety of new Dpcm, caused by the worrying trend of Coronavirus contagion, even experts have a voice, aware that it is necessary to remain calm and protect the economy, as well as health.
The latest proposal comes from the immunologist at the University of Padua Antonella Viola, who is skeptical about the national blockade and that launches the idea: “One week of confinement per month“. To the microphones of ’24Mattino’ on Radio24, Viola explains:”No to a general confinement, it would be necessary to intervene in the single territories. We are panicking a little it makes no sense to do a Dpcm a week. With my proposal to schedule a one week confinement a month, we can also organize for those who work and this eliminates the anxiety of Dpcm ”.

“Isolating those over 70 does not make sense”

Regarding the hypothesis of isolating those over 70 at home, the expert warns that “this really does not make sense. Today patients of all ages come to the emergency room – he points out – We cannot let the virus circulate freely in others and keep those over 70 closed ” close business activities before 6 in the afternoon, “it only makes people crowd the opening hours and it is a punitive decision towards citizens who can no longer go out for a walk – underlines Viola – These days in Padua the aperitif of 16 to 18: “if you restrict the hours, people flock when they can.”

Pregliasco agrees

Scheduled lock, one week a month for every month, until June to calm infections? Antonella Viola’s proposal pleases the virologist at the University of Milan, Fabrizio Pregliasco. “A proposal that suits us – says Pregliasco, guest of Agorà in Rai Tre – a periodic trend is welcome, it is an element that we will have to take into account, modulating it quickly with respect to the evolution of the situation. This pathology will keep us company for a long time – concludes the virologist – and it will be important to lower the number of cases in order to recover the contact tracing ”.


Centro Livatino: unconstitutional to isolate the elderly

“Age-imposed house arrest” is unconstitutional, highlights the Livatino study center, which includes jurists, lawyers and constitutionalists. “Among the hypothesized measures for the next Dpcm on the Covid-19 emergency would be the separation of the ‘elderly’, a category that at the moment is not clear from what age should start, from the rest of the population, mainly the family – he explains the center – For them, in order to protect public health, fundamental rights, based on the Constitution, must be sacrificed: personal freedom according to article 13, freedom of movement according to article 16, the rights of the family as a society natural according to article 29 “.

New Dpcm, the appeal of doctors

Act immediately with closures in high-risk areas, improve testing and monitoring, maintain open schools for children up to 14 years. These are some of the requests expressed by 12 of the most important Italian doctors and researchers, contained in a document sent to the government and members of the CTS, with a view to signing the new Dpcm scheduled for today.
The text, signed among others by Antonella Viola me Susanna esposito, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Parma and WHO consultant, highlights the seriousness of the situation in Italy: “All the data confirm the strong criticality of the spread of Sars-CoV-2 in the country. the characteristics described in scenario n. 4 of the Plan prepared by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health ”.

This image, the authors continue, “imposes restrictive actions to be implemented quicklyThe measures requested in the document range from the constitution of “red areas” for a minimum period of 3 weeks in the cities of Milan, Naples, Rome and Genoa. In the rest of the country, the priority isrecruitment of health personnel, the technological adaptation for the activities of test and follow up, and the improvement of public transport in higher risk areas.

Scientists also call for their inclusion in the next package of measures planned by the government the obligation to work smart for all activities of the public and private sector that can be carried out in an agile mode and the suspension for a period of two weeks of non-essential activities. Particular attention is paid to the issue of schools: According to the authors, it is “essential” that educational services 0-6 years, primary and middle schools continue their educational and didactic activities in presence. “Its closure would have dramatic psychological, educational and social consequences, before an insignificant reduction of infections ”. The hypothesis, disseminated in recent days, of transferring eighth-grade children to distance education was also rejected. As for the youngest, open schools would also have economic consequences: “the attendance of children from 0 to 6 years of age at these services would allow parents to work.”

Instead, a different strategy is identified to collegeTherefore, doctors request 100% online conferences during the first semester of the academic year, with the exception of professional practices and laboratory activities. The authors conclude by calling for “the development of a medium-long term strategy”, in which open schools should be considered by the government as an essential service.
