Rome, September 6, 2020 – contagion when braking, but with a significant drop in the bumpers. In short, the bulletin with me data today about the epidemic of Coronavirus in Italy. The contagion curve it goes backwards, however, following the trend we are used to during the weekend. After the 16 victims registered yesterday, 7 deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours.
In the meantime, today, the minister Roberto Speranza He clarified that doctors and the elderly will have priority in the distribution of the vaccine. If the Oxford drug “goes well,” added the owner of the Greeting, the first doses may be available “at the end of the year”. Speranza once again ruled out the possibility of a new confinement and reiterated that there are “all conditions” to return to school. Complex situation in France, where another 8,550 infections have been detected in the last 24 hours. Another seven departments have been classified as “red zone”, bringing to 28 the areas where the Elysee has made possible “reinforced measures” to contain the spread of the virus.
On the conditions of Silvio Berlusconi, hospitalized in San Raffaele of Milan after having tested positive and symptomatic for Covid-19, the main Alberto Zangrillo He explained that the “phase is delicate”, but the “course is regular” and the “patient is calm.” Scary moments by Arturo Lorenzoni– The center-left candidate in Veneto fell ill live on Facebook, while connected with the minister of regional affairs Francesco Boccia and the candidate for mayor of Venice Pierpaolo Baretta. Lorenzoni spoke from his home, he was rescued by relatives, recovering shortly after. The link was broken, the video clip was removed from the social network.
Covid, data from September 6
There are 1,297 cases of Covid registered in the last 24 hours in Italy, almost 400 less than yesterday. Another 7 dead. As always happens during the weekend, the processed swabs fell: 76,856 (about thirty thousand less than yesterday when they were more than 107 thousand).
Region by region: the table
There are 198 new positives in Lombardy versus 12,117 swabs performed. The ratio between the number of new and positive swabs is 1.63%. Of the new cases, 25 are “weakly positive” and 6 after serological tests. The healed / discharged are a total of 76,794 (+86), of which 1,316 discharged and 75,478 recovered. Covid patients in intensive care They are 25 (+2), while those hospitalized in the ordinary regime 248 (+3). Deaths, since the beginning of the epidemic, have reached 16,880 (+3). New cases by province: Milan: 86, of which 51 in the city of Milan; Bergamo: 8; Brescia: 28; As 3; Cremone: 8; Lecco: 3; Praise: 1; Mantua: 7; Monza and Brianza: 21; Pavia: 1; Sondrio: 2; Varese: 11.
Emilia romagna
Infections in slight decrease in Emilia romagna, with 124 new cases (134 yesterday) versus more than 10,200 swabs: an increase in line with the last few days. A death registered in the province of Piacenza, while the increase in the number of hospitalized continues: +2 in intensive care (14) and the same number in the other wards (124) Of the newly infected, 57 were already in isolation, 56 identified in known outbreaks and 60 are asymptomatic. There are 36 cases linked to returns from abroad, 18 from other regions. The average age is 41 years. The highest number is registered in the provinces of Reggio Emilia (20), Modena (17), Ravenna (16), Parma (14), Ferrara (13), Bologna (11) and Forlì (13). Active cases are 3,370 (+119), people in isolation at home are 3,232 (+115), 95%, the total of people cured is 24,794 (+4). The Region also reports that the death reported in yesterday’s update, and related to the province of Reggio Emilia, is not attributable to Covid-19.
Another 122 infections (113 yesterday) in Tuscany (45 identified in the course of tracking and 77 from detection activities). 7,803 tests carried out in the last 24 hours (583,923 since the start of the emergency). The current positives are 1,994 today, + 5.6% compared to yesterday. There are no new deaths. These are the data, verified today at 12 o’clock on the basis of the requests of the National Civil Protection. The mean age of the cases today is about 41 years: 60% were asymptomatic, 23% pauci-symptomatic, 13% mild. Of the 122 positives, 9 cases can be linked to returns from abroad and 6 to returns from other Italian regions (3 Sardinia, 3 others).
The trend is confirmed in Veneto: there are 179 new cases (yesterday 188) that bring to 23,944 the total number of infected in the region since the beginning of the pandemic. The increase in current positives slows, +62 since yesterday and a total of 2,939, while there are no new deaths (total 2,130). People in fiduciary isolation decrease, which are 7,792 (-513), of which 144 (-61) are positive. Hospital admissions are stable, 151 (+1) of which 79 are positive; Intensive therapies date back to hosting 16 patients, 3 more.
New cases in Apulia are increasing slightly: 60 compared to 56 yesterday. At the same time, the swabs made also increased: today 3358 versus 3319 yesterday. Of today’s total cases, 22 refer to the province of Bari, 4 to the province of Bat (Barletta, Andria, Trani), 4 to the province of Brindisi, 12 to the province of Foggia, 14 to the province of Lecce , 4 to the province of Taranto. One death in the last 24 hours (in the province of Bari) compared to 2 yesterday.
There are 19 new positives in Sardinia, bringing the total number of cases on the island since the beginning of the epidemic to 2,505. 15 infections arose from screening activities and 4 from diagnostic suspicions. The number of victims remains unchanged, 136 in total. Currently, 45 patients are hospitalized in the hospital (+1 compared to the ieril figure, while the number of those in critical condition is stable. There are 1,032 people in home isolation. Of the total positive results, 435 (+1) were detected in the city: Cagliari Metro, 252 in southern Sardinia, 103 (+1) in Oristano, 185 (+2) in Nuoro, 1,530 (+15) in Sassari.
There are 20 positive cases of coronavirus registered in the last 24 hours in Market, slightly below 32 yesterday. There are 11 in the province of Pesaro Urbino, 5 in the province of Ascoli Piceno, 3 in the province of Macerata and 1 in the province of Ancona. These cases include 5 returns from abroad (Macedonia, Albania, Moldova), 4 asymptomatic contacts in the home environment, 4 symptomatic subjects, 6 close contacts of positive cases and 1 case detected by health screening.
Make sure in Umbria 26 new cases: the number of hospitalized in Perugia and Terni hospitals stabilized at 15, two in intensive care. Six new cures were reported, 1,473 in total. No deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours. The current positives thus increased from 342 to 362. In the last day, 1,220 swabs were made, 165,428 since the start of the pandemic. In Piedmont 56 new cases, for a total of 33,256. There were no deaths in the last 24 hours.
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