Coronavirus Italy, today’s newsletter, September 3. Covid data and table – Chronicle


Rome, September 3, 2020 – The number of new positives from Coronavirus in Italy. In fact, the new bulletin records another 1,397 cases (yesterday was 1,326) e ten dead. Meanwhile, according to published data ofthe Gimbe Foundation, in the week from August 26 to September 1, there was a 37.9% increase in new cases of Covid-19, in hospitalized patients (+ 30%) and in intensive care (+ 62%). “They are signs that all are heading towards a resumption of the epidemic in our country, both in epidemiological terms and in clinical manifestations, precisely on the eve of the crucial moment of the reopening of schools, irresponsible individual behaviors can no longer be tolerated ”, Warns the president of the foundation Nino Cartabellotta. You are quarantined at Arcore Silvio Berlusconi, tested positive on the swab so that the bride Marta Fascina and kids Barbara and Luigi (both in isolation at Villa Certosa in Sardinia). In general nthe rest of the world There are 26 million infections with India registering a new negative record: 83 thousand new infected in the last 24 hours. And America would be speeding vaccine. According to New York TimesIn fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Cdc) have alerted the health authorities of the 50 states of the Union to prepare to distribute before November 1.

The Covid budget of September 3

And of 10 dead and 1,397 new infected the balance of the last 24 hours due to the Coronavirus. The numbers increase compared to yesterday, when there were 1,326 positives and 6 deaths. In heat i tamponi, at 92,790, about 10,000 less than Wednesday’s record peak (102,959). And hospitalized patients are growing too intensive care: 11 in 24 hours, bringing the total to 120. The total number of patients affected by the epidemic is, therefore, 272,912 units. Increase the number of healed or discharged: +289 (yesterday +257) for a total of 208,490.

All numbers for regions


In Tuscany 113 new cases in Coronavirus, 1 death and 17 cures. This is clear from the Region’s bulletin, according to which, since the beginning of the emergency, positive cases have risen to 12,080, those recovered to 9,206, and deaths to 1,143. Even today there is a slight increase in patients admitted to the Covid area: there are 70 in total (+4), but with a decrease in the detail of those treated in intensive care (7, -1). More accentuated, however, is the growth of infected with mild symptoms placed in quarantine (1,661, +91 compared to yesterday) and in people who have come into contact with cases of contagion and are therefore under active surveillance (4,119, + 147).


In Puglia were detected 80 new cases of Covid-19 infection out of a total of 3,886 swabs performed. Are also recorded three victims: one in the province of Bari, two in the province of Lecce. 316 840 tests have been carried out since the emergency began. 4,078 are recovered patients. Currently 986 are positive cases. The total current positives is 5,624. The most affected province is Bari (25), followed by Taranto where 20 of the 24 cases are attributable to the Villa Genusia residence in Ginosa Marina, in which the virus was allegedly carried by an 80-year-old host who, in recent days, she had been in the hospital.


Today’s other news

Berlusconi, his girlfriend Marta Fascina also positive in Covid

Covid, positive actor Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

Scuola, the national demonstration in Rome on September 26
