Rome, September 21, 2020 – The bulletin of the Ministry of Health, on the evolution Italy of the epidemic Coronavirus, marks another slight decline in infections, after yesterday’s figures. What is happening in Europe in neighboring countries: if the curve in Italy remains at controllable levels, in France (now more than 10 thousand cases per day) the situation is serious with half of the ‘red zone’ of the country. And the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, announces thebuffer obligation for those who come from Paris and from other areas beyond the Alps. The situation is also serious in Britain, where specialists predict that, if the trend continues like this, in October we could travel to 50 thousand cases and 200 deaths a day. No improvement in Belgium, where infections increased by 62% ea Munich (new restrictions)
In Italy there is great apprehension about the electoral return of referendum, regional and municipal yesterday and today. But overall things don’t seem to have gone wrong, although it will take a few days to verify if the vote has caused an increase in infections. The same occurs with the reopening of the stadiums of A league. Meanwhile, it’s an alarm Bari for 20 cases of positivity in an RSA: all are asymptomatic, while the outbreak of the Capodimonte prison worries Benevento.
Covid, the budget for September 21
New infections in Italy are decreasing, 1,350 almost today against 1,587 yesterday, but in parallel with the some tampons, as always on Monday: 55,862 against 83,428 yesterday (and the peaks of more than 100,000 in recent days). In slight increase i deaths, 17 today (yesterday there were 15), while the growth of the healed slows down, 352 today against 635 yesterday. This is what comes out of the daily newsletter of Ministry of Health. The region with the most cases in 24 hours is the Campania (243), followed by Lazio (198), Emilia romagna (116) e Veneto (103), while Lombardy stops at 90. No region with zero cases, while Abruzzo reports 72, but this is the cumulative figure for the last three days. The total number of cases since the beginning of the epidemic amounts to 299,506. Lazio’s death toll weighs on the figure, 5 victims in one day, in addition to Sicily (3), Sardinia (2) and one in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont, Campania, Puglia, Abruzzo and Umbria. The total amounts to 35,724, while I healed the total is 218,703. The number of people continues to increase currently positive, 981 more (yesterday 937) and there are 45,079. After two days of decline, admissions skip under the ordinary regime, 110 more, for a total of 2,475, while intensive therapies increase by 10 units and there are 232 in all. Finally, 42,372 people are in isolation at home.
Regions: the table
Campania, 243 new cases
Compared to the 3,405 swabs performed, they are 243 positives to the Coronavirus in the last 24 hours in Campania. There is one death, the total amounts to 457. This was announced by the Crisis Unit of the Region. There are 20 healed for the day, for a total of 5,149.
Lombardy, 90 infections
Today in Lombardy have been registered 90 almost of Covid, of which 12 ‘weakly positive’ and 5 after serological tests, and one death. In total, there are 16,923 deaths since the start of the epidemic. The swabs performed were 9,963 (total 1,953,299), with a percentage compared to the positives equal to 0.9%. 20 were cured / discharged (a total of 78,849, of which 1,470 were discharged and 77,379 recovered); ICU patients with covid decreased by 2 units (36), while hospitalized patients increased by 19 (283). Yesterday, compared to the 14,926 swabs made, 211 positive and 5 dead. There are 27 new positives in the province of Milan, of which 7 in the city of Milan. As for the rest of the provinces, in Bergamo there are 8 new positives, in Brescia 10, in Como 5, in Lodi 2, in Mantua 2, in Monza and Brianza 20, in Pavía 3, in Sondrio 2, in Varese 11.
Emilia Romagna: 116 other cases
am 116 new cases of coronavirus in the new newsletterEmilia romagna. Stable data compared to yesterday, where there has been a decrease in positives (also related to a drop of tampons), 115, but also two deaths. It will also be necessary to know the contagion data after the reopening of the schools, after the first cases that occurred in the institutes of Bologna, Reggio emilia, Cesena, Modena me Rimini.
Lazio, the new positives increase
In Lazio, the number of new positives increases compared to fewer swabs performed. “In more than 8 thousand swabs today there are 198 cases”, announces the regional councilor, Alessio D’Amato. Yesterday there were 165 new cases in almost 10 thousand tampons. Gods 198 cases todayD’Amato points out, 117 are in Rome. Are also recorded five deaths. There are currently 5,840 positive cases in Lazio. There are 466 hospitalized patients, 27 in intensive care and 5347 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the crisis, 895 deaths, 7,807 cures and a total of 14,542 cases have been examined.
Veneto: 103 infections
the Veneto registers 103 new cases of positivity in the last 24 hours, but without victims, and a sharp decrease in isolated subjects (-519), for a total of 6,894.
Toscana, +84 more
The percentage of new cases in Tuscany: a total of 13,896 cases since the start of the pandemic, 84 more compared to the day before when they were +147. Today there are no new deaths and those cured grow by 0.2% to 9,726 (70% of all cases). The swabs performed were 681,070, 4,138 more than yesterday. The positives are currently 3,018 today, + 2.1% compared to yesterday. There are 117 hospitalized (8 more than yesterday), of which 23 in intensive care (stable). The average age of 84 cases today is about 40 years.
In Abruzzo 72 cases
In Abruzzo Check in 72 more cases (between 6 and 89 years old) and a victim (a 67-year-old man from Teramo province. This is a cumulative figure of Three days, divided as follows: 23 cases referring to Saturday, 36 to Sunday and 13 to today. The total number of infected people therefore amounts to 4,209, while the number of deaths to 475. The positives currently in Abruzzo (calculated by subtracting the number of discharged / cured and deceased from the total of positives) are 729 (+50 compared with Friday). The cone unloaded / cured 3,005 (+21 compared to Friday).
In Puglia 81 new infections
am 81 new cases of positivity to Covid registered in Puglia in the last 24 hours of 1,895 tests processed. The data, along with a death in the province of Taranto. Attention continues to be high in care and social-health care residences. The new positives in the province of Bari are 37 “of which 26 arose from the surveillance investigation still ongoing at RSA ‘Oasi Santa Fara’ in Bari, which houses 39 patients and 28 operators. Subjects tested positive – 20 guests and 6 operators – they are all in isolation “, explains the director of the ASL of Bari Antonio Sanguedolce and adds that they are” mostly asymptomatic and paucisymptomatic “.
The other Regions
In Friuli Venezia Giulia 12 new cases in the last 24 hours. At MarketOn the other hand, 17 positive cases have been detected in the last 24 hours. In the region, 550 swabs were tested: 420 on the new diagnostic pathway and 130 on the cured pathway. Of the 17 new cases, six have been detected in the province of Ascoli Piceno where the infections amount to 496, three in Fermo (563), three in Macerata (1,275), two in Ancona (2,039) and three outside the region. On the other hand, zero contagion in the province of Pesaro Urbino (3,085). In Sardinia 64 new cases and 2 deaths and 12 new infections in Calabria. There are 75 new positives for Coronavirus in Sicily.
Today’s other news
Covid, 71% of those infected at work are women
National League, Italy-Holland will be played in Bergamo
Virologist Clementi: “School and approved exam”
Bastia Umbra: positive child, the whole class quarantined
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