Coronavirus Italy, Ricciardi: “Big cities alarm, blockade is needed in Naples”


Walter Ricciardi (Imagoeconomica)
Walter Ricciardi (Imagoeconomica)

Rome, November 6, 2020 – “We will all be happier when we go green again, but at the moment there are no regions where COVID-19 does not circulate. Unfortunately, the national contagion rate for Rt is much higher than 1. So that means the epidemic is in full swing. ” Walter Ricciardi, scientific advisor for the Covid emergency to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, guest on ‘The day of the sheep’ on Rai Radio 1. “The situation in hospitals is more or less dramatic throughout Italy, in some cases it is really tragic. It takes more time to flatten the curve of the epidemic. No I want to scare anyone, but certainly two weeks to round the curve is certainly not enough. It takes a month, a month and a half. “

Coronavirus today in Italy, the bulletin of the infections of November 6

Ricciardi spoke of band colors applied to Regions: “Right now they don’t exist Green regions“. But what are the parameters to monitor and then transform a Region from yellow to green, for example?” The first is thecontagion rate Rt, which tells us how much it accelerates and when it is less than 1 it means that the epidemic is receding – Ricciardi continued -; the second is the absolute number of cases; the third is the percentage of positives in the population; and the fourth and fifth are related to i Health services, that is, how many people come to the emergency room, how many are hospitalized and how many are going to intensive care“.
Do you need new red zones? “I believe that some metropolitan areas could probably turn red Ricciardi admitted. Not the whole region, but a specific metropolitan area. “Speaking of the yellow band, Ricciardi commented on the situation in Naples:” yellow band however, it is dangerous. I give the example of Naples, which is located within a yellow region, Campania. I already said two or three weeks ago that it should be closed, the metropolitan area of ​​Naples is an area at risk. If I was left with the idea that Would a confinement in Naples be necessary? Yes, because the data has even gotten worse“.

Christmas is on the horizon. Ricciardi warns: “I imagine a prudent Christmas, in which we will have the possibility in the best regions to have some mobility. I would advise not to have dinners, too crowded meetings, because in reality the circulation of the virus will be less, but it will still be present. And that’s why we will have to have sober celebrations ”.
