Coronavirus Italy, October 4 newsletter. Contagion data and Covid table


Rome, October 4, 2020 – Anxiety about the figures of Coronavirus in Italy. the today’s newsletter It will be essential to understand the evolution of the epidemic, after the strong growth in recent days (here the bulletin yesterday, October 3). the Ministry of Health It will be updated on the increase in total cases, deaths, cured, currently positive, hospitalizations and intensive care. Since the first data arriving from the regions, the pace of contagion seems to be continuing even today. Meanwhile, the government is studying the first measures to stop the spread of the virus. One of the CTS indications – which the executive was able to take into consideration at this time – refers to the contingency of attendance at private parties and on the occasion of events and ceremonies. A Dpcm It will be released next Wednesday. The CTS line, to avoid a significant increase in contagion and the need for general lock, would be that of a progressive restriction of measures in the autumn season: starting with a squeeze of nightlife in the first closing hours of the premises to a significant increase in controls, in addition tomandatory outdoor mask (Esperanza: “We are evaluating it”).

Case boom a Latin: ASL invites you to leave the house only if necessary.

Criticalities in transport

The Medical Director of the Spallanzani Institute, Francesco Vaia, interviewed by Sky TG24, warns: “In schools we can do a lot and we are doing a lot, but what concerns us is transportation. We have done a lot in ports and airports and we have become a European and international reference, but metropolitan transport is an element of great concern. Transportation must be doubled in Rome and in all Italian cities. “

Covid, today’s data

In this newly published section, you will find today’s new data.

The graphic

In this section, free apnea, you will find the table with the data region by region.

Emilia romagna

In Emilia romagna, out of more than 7 thousand swabs, 179 new positives were registered today, of which 96 asymptomatic by regional screening and contact activities
tracking. The number of people cured amounted to 26,482 (+14), admissions to intensive care remained stable, while a new death was registered. 2,072 thousand serological tests were also carried out. The average age of the new cases is 43 years. At the time of swabbing, 51 people were already isolated; 17 laps from abroad Bologna. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, 35,992 positive cases have been recorded in Emilia-Romagna.


In Lombardy there are 314 new positives, of which 48 ‘weakly positive’ and 0 after a serological test, compared to 14,795 swabs, for a percentage equal to 2.1%. There were also two deaths, bringing the total deaths to 16,971. The swabs carried out since the beginning of the pandemic are 2,187,132; while 113 healed / discharged in the last 24 hours (total total: 81,733, of which 1,360 were discharged and 80,373 recovered). Covid ICU patients decreased by 3 units (39), while hospitalizations increased by 3 (296). Yesterday, compared to 18,860 swabs, there were 393 positives and 5 deaths.


The number of infections in Veneto continues to grow at a worrying rate. Today, 261 are recently infected, for a total figure of 28,624 since the beginning of the epidemic. There is also a victim, bringing the total number of victims to 2,194. This was stated in the regional bulletin. The subjects in home isolation are 9,509, of which 2,693 positive. The number of hospitalized in non-critical wards is growing, 250 (+8), while 29 (+1) patients in intensive care.


In Tuscany there are 15,579 positive cases, 188 more than yesterday (112 identified in the course of screening and 76 from detection activities). New cases are 1.2% more than the total of the previous day. Those cured grew by 0.2% and reached 10,451 (67.1% of all cases). The tests carried out reached 774,753, 8,305 more than yesterday.


am 59 new cases of Covid-19 checked in the Market In the last 24 hours, 5.3% of the 1,122 swabs processed in the route of new diagnoses: yesterday the percentage was 4.4%, again with 59 cases. The total number of cases verified so far in the Marche region since the beginning of the pandemic amounts to 8,143.


Another leap forward of the new Covid suitcases in Umbria, 72 in the last day, 2,676 in total, according to data from the Region’s website. On the other hand, the number of hospitalized patients remained stable, 46, four of which, one less in intensive care. There were 10 new healed, 1,890 and a new dead, 86 since the start of the pandemic. Current positives increase from 639 to 700. Analyzed in the last 24 hours 2,126 swabs, 213,445 in total.


There are 151 new cases of Covid in Apulia, compared to the 3486 infection tests carried out. The cases are divided as follows: 97 in the province of Bari, 21 in Bat, 4 in the province of Brindisi, 16 in the province of Foggia, 3 in the province of Lecce, 8 in the province of Taranto, 2 in the province of unknown residence. No deaths were recorded. Since the beginning of the emergency, 424,869 tests have been carried out and 8,234 people have tested positive.

Today’s other news

The Pope: “Covid, nobody is saved alone”

Covid, the bishop of Caserta, dies

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Milan, clash over Sala-Gallera vaccines
