Coronavirus Italy, Iss: “The average age increases. More infections in the family” – Chronicle


Coronavirus (Ansa)
Coronavirus (Ansa)

Rome, September 18, 2020 – In Italy there is a “slow and progressive worsening of the Sars-Cov-2 epidemic, although with a more contained trend than that observed in other European countries ”. follow-up Iss-Ministry of Health, relative to the days of September 7 to 13. Also in this week there is a “widespread transmission of the virus throughout the national territory – we read -, which causes outbreaks even of considerable magnitude and many times associated with recreational activities that involve gatherings and violations of the rules of physical distancing both in the national territory and abroad. ” In a global form”2397 shoots assets, of which 698 are new, “reads the report, which specifies that” both are increasing for the seventh consecutive weekIt is also underlined, “a growing commitment of local services in the search for contacts who have so far managed to contain the local transmission of the virus.”

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In almost all the Regions there is an increase in the occupancy rate of dedicated beds both in the medical area and in intensive care. At the national level, the occupancy rate in the medical area increased from 2% to 4%, with respect to the period 17-30 August 2020, while the occupancy rate in intensive care increased from 1% to 2%, with values ​​higher than 5% for some Regions. “Although signs of overload of health care services have not yet been identified, the observed trend could be reflected in a greater commitment“.

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In the last two weeks there has been a “increase significant ofMiddle Ages to the diagnosis – adds the report -. This is probably due to a transmission from the youngest population to the most fragile or elderly, especially within the population family: this is reflected in a greater commitment of hospital services. “The Ministry of Health, therefore, recommends adopting” all precautions even in the family. “

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