Rome, October 23, 2020 – The bulletin about him Coronavirus in Italy: In the afternoon, data from the Ministry of Health will be released on the increase in total cases, currently positive, dead, cured, hospitalizations and intensive care. But there is a strong increase in many regions. The Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, you want to “close everything for 30 days”. Meanwhile, a appeal of 100 scientists calling for “drastic measures in 2-3 days”. But Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte resist: “Avoid the national confinement.”
Covid, Minister Boccia is positive
The newsletter of September 23
Updated data and PDF table will be published here as soon as available
Intensive therapy
Of the 6,628 intensive care places available today in Italy 15% are occupied by Covid patientsThis percentage drops to 11% if we also consider the 1,660 additional beds that can be activated with the fans that have already been distributed to the regions. The data is contained in the weekly report of the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri from which it can be deduced that the region with the highest percentage of patients in intensive care – compared to the available places – is theUmbria, which has an occupancy rate of 27.85%. Immediately after the Campania (21.71%) and Sardinia (20.69%). In Lombardy the percentage is 15.69% while the lowest rate is registered in the province of Trento, with 1.96%.
Local News / Lombardy
“Unfortunately, the contagion line is growing and there is five thousand positives more than yesterday and 350 hospitalized in intensive care and not ”, said the president of Lombardy Attilio Fontana added that in total there are 170 patients hospitalized in intensive care. “The virus has started to circulate violently – he added – in Milan there are about a thousand new cases ”.
am 2,280 new positives in Campania, out of 15,800 tampons: a record number, never before reached. Yesterday’s survey was of 1,541 cases. This was announced by the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo de Luca, live on Facebook. The percentage of tampon infections performed increased from 12.8 to 14.5 percent.
For the fourth day in a row, Veneto has over a thousand new infections. Of 2,208,831 tampons manufactured, there are in fact 1,426 new positives in the last 24 hours. There are 647 more people in solitary confinement. Currently there are 600 hospitalized, while intensive care is 70. The total of deaths is 2,308, with 7 people who lost their lives in the last day. These are the figures released during the regional governor’s daily press point Luca zaia, from the headquarters of the Civil Protection of Marghera. Compared with the month of March, both the number of hospitalized and intensive care patients is considerably lower, -explained the president-. If that’s the rate, the intensive care curve is pretty flat, but the hospitalization curve is more worrisome. “.
Increase the number of new positives in Lazio. “More than 22 thousand tampons are registered today 1,389 almost“, announces the Regional Minister of Health, Alessio D’Amato. Yesterday, the new positives were 1,251 of more than 21,000 swabs performed. Eleven dead and 88 recovered in the last 24 hours.
In Tuscany 1,290 new cases, 169 recovered and 8 dead. The daily bulletin sent by the Region to the national civil protection therefore certifies a new spike in infections and in the face of a number of tampons that is struggling to increase: in the last 24 hours, in fact, the tests carried out were 11,378. One of the most direct consequences is the significant increase in the proportion of new positives over the number of people examined, reaching 17.3%. Another relevant detail is increased pressure on hospitals. The number of hospitalized in the Covid area thus amounts to 656 in total (+50), but 82 patients remain in intensive care (stable compared to yesterday). Since the beginning of the emergency, 27,901 have been positive, 12,290 have recovered and 1,237 have died. Based on what was verified by the health authorities in the daily monitoring phase, a new jump is also confirmed both in patients with mild symptoms in home isolation (13,718, +1,063) and in people under active surveillance (22,777, +2,540) to follow-up of contacts with infected cases.
New record of daily increases in positive cases of Covid-19 in the Market. After yesterday’s 321 cases of 1,707 samples examined, today infections were 453 of 2,224 swabs tested new diagnostics on the way. Of the 453 new cases, 127 were registered in the province of Macerata where infections amount to 1,982, 92 in Ancona (2,738), 42 in Pesaro Urbino (3,413), 70 in Fermo (964), 111 in Ascoli Piceno (1,173) and 11 outside the region (375). The new positives include 73 symptomatic.
With more than a hundred more cases than yesterday, the highest registered in 2020, in Sardinia there is a new record of infections by Covid-19, 349 in the last 24 hours, while the number of victims remains unchanged (181). Of the 349 new cases, 241 were detected by screening and 108 by suspected diagnosis.
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