Coronavirus, Italy bulletin of September 5. Today’s data and the Covid table


Rome, September 5, 2020 – The contagion curve of Coronavirus in Italy keep growing. Today the bulletin newspaper of Ministry of Health It will allow us to better understand the data from yesterday, when 1,700 new cases were exceeded. Updates will also be provided on currently positives, deaths, recoveries, hospitalizations, and intensive care. Meanwhile, the government reassures. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte he says he has confidence in fight Covid in autumn, but considers it “inappropriate to reopen the stadiums.” The Vice Minister of Health Pierpaolo sileri emphasizes: “There is a condition of growth, but not critical, of the Covid cases and the hospitals are not under stress. With the arrival of the cold season I think we will see a greater circulation of the virus, but the National Health Service is in able to cope. ” Sileri continues: “I doubt that we will have a second epidemic wave as we saw it in February-March, because we have learned to live with the virus.”

Positive but asymptomatic? It is forbidden to work even with smart work.

Covid or flu? Here’s how to tell them apart

The September 5th Newsletter

The data and the table in PDF will be published shortly.

Zangrillo, from “Covid is dead” to (half) reverse

Lombardy at an altitude of 388

Today in Lombardy they have registered 388 cases of Covid, of which 65 ‘weak positives’ and 18 after serological tests, and one death. In total, there have been 16,877 deaths since the start of the epidemic. The swabs performed were 23,409 (total total: 1,694,925), with a ratio compared to the positives equal to 1.65%. 134 cured / discharged (total: 76,708, of which 1,316 discharged and 75,392 recovered). Intensive care patients are reduced by 3 units to 23, while hospitalized patients increase by one to 245. In today’s Milanese, 184 cases have been registered, of which 112 in the capital. Yesterday 144 positives were found in the metropolitan city, of which 78 in Milan.

Lazio, most cases in Rome

“In almost 12 thousand tampons today in Lazio are registered 158 cases of these 108 are in Rome and one death. A prevalence of return cases is confirmed and links continue from Sardinia “, reports the Regional Minister of Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.

Emilia Romagna, 134 new positives

am 134 new cases of Coronavirus emerged in the last 24 hours in Emilia-Romagna, where it is also recorded a new victim (in Reggio Emilia). In terms of hospitalizations, there is one less patient in intensive care than yesterday (12 in total), while in other Covid departments, patients have increased by 8 units (122). Of the 134 new cases (mean age 38 years) 72 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. There are 41 new infections linked to returns from abroad and 16 to returns from other regions is 16. The highest number of infections in the provinces of Bologna (24), Modena (21), Ravenna (15), Ferrara (14), Parma ( 11), Reggio Emilia (11) and Forlì (16).

Tuscany, cases on the rise

In Tuscany there are 12,292 new cases, 113 more than yesterday (28 identified in the course of tracking and 85 from detection activities). New cases are 0.9% more than the total of the previous day. Those cured grew 0.4% and reached 9,260 (75.3% of all cases). The tests carried out reached 576,120, 8,354 more than yesterday. Today’s positives are 1,889 today, + 4% compared to yesterday.

Jump in the Marches

am 32 new positive cases registered in the last 24 hours in the Marches in 865 swabs tested in the new diagnostic route: 16 in the province of Pesaro Urbino, 11 in the province of Ancona, 2 in the province of Macerata, 1 in the province of Ascoli Piceno, 1 in the province of Fermo and 1 outside the region.

Francesco Merloni, the former minister has a beginning of pneumonia. Plasma curing

Two deaths in Puglia

There are 55 positive cases in one day: 32 in the province of Bari, five in the province of Bat, eight in the province of Foggia, two in the province of Lecce, eight in the province of Taranto. Two deaths were recorded: one in the province of Bari and one resident outside the region.

Calabria, first victim after 3 months

A death in Calabria, after more than three months, of a positive patient for Covid 19. The victim is a 72 years of Naples, probably on vacation on the Ionian coast of Cosenza, hospitalized in the infectious diseases ward of the Annunziata hospital in Cosenza since last August 25. Later his condition worsened and it was necessary to be transferred to the intensive care unit, where he died.
