For the first time since the beginning of pandemic of coronavirus Italy registers more than 10,000 new cases in twenty-four hours. am 10,010 me contagion determined on the basis of 150 thousand tampons facts: the buffer-positive relationship that rises up 6.7%. Thursday was 5.4 and Wednesday 4.8. Compared to Thursday are 434 more people hospitalized in the hospital and me sick people who need ICU care: fifty more than yesterday, 638 in total. Fifty-five infected people died. Monday to today are 36,666 the new positives, twice as many 18,442 checked in the same five days of the last week.
The Lombardy is the region with the highest increase: 2,419 almost tracked in a day, 1,319 of which in the province of Milan (604 in the city). Increase of infected also in Campania with 1,261 more than Thursday. Others 8 regions score more than 500 almost with sharp curves in Tuscany (755), Lazio (795), Liguria (585) e Sicily (578). Only three regions have less than 100 new positives: Basilicata (57), Aosta Valley (27) e Molise (twenty-one).
Since the beginning of the pandemic I am 391,611 confirmed infections. Of these 247,872 am Discharged the healed and in 36,427 am dead. The current positives become like this 107,312, of which 100,496 in isolation at home. me 434 hospitalizations more than the last hours bring the total of occupied beds in Covid departments a 6,178. Others 638 infected are in intensive care. The region with the highest number of hospitalized people is Lazio, which now has more than a thousand (1,004) in departments and 98 in resuscitation. There Lombardy counts them respectively 834 me 71, the Campania 786 me 67. Only three areas of the country – Molise, Basilicata me Trento – to have zero patients in intensive care, while all other regions have beds occupied by infected people in resuscitation. In the last week there has been a rebound in hospitalizations: last Friday they were 4,086 and another 387 were assisted in intensive care, the increases are respectively 2,092 me 251 Extra beds occupied.
“We must avoid confinementI’m not saying that the wave is less dangerous, but that we have worked. We must face this wave with a different and new strategy, which no longer foresees a lockdown, “said the prime minister. Giuseppe Conte, interviewed at the Limes Festival in Genoa. “Faced with a second wave that is involving many other countries, we are all concerned, because this second wave is stressing the health systems and also the economies and social tissues. We are also tired. Our citizens are tired, they are already coming from a very hard test ”. Thanks to Hope’s “great work with the ministers of France, Germany and the Netherlands and the European Commission, Europe is in a position to be able guarantee several hundred million vaccinesThe prime minister recalled speaking of “2-300 million vaccines with the option of duplicating them, we can flood our vaccine systems also to make them available to the most fragile countries.”
The contagion region by region
Lombardy 2,419 (yesterday 2,067 – Wednesday 1,844)
Piedmont 821 (1,033 – 499)
Emilia-Romagna 544 (453 – 339)
Veneto 704 (600 – 657)
Lazio 795 (594 – 543)
Campania 1,261 (1,127 – 818)
Tuscany 755 (581 – 575)
Liguria 585 (432 – 362)
Apulia 313 (257 – 315)
Sicily 578 (399 – 366)
March 115 (140-166)
Trento 111 (62-29)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 165 (136-182)
Abruzzo 178 (203 – 126)
Sardinia 133 (186-122)
Bolzano 128 (98 – 124)
Umbria 198 (263-141)
Calabria 102 (39 – 60)
Valle d’Aosta 27 (67 – 37)
Basilicata 57 (37 – 9)
Molise 21 (30 – 18)
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The slowness of the Regions in intensive care. Piedmont, Campania and Lombardy late. Record Veneto: now has more than expected