Rt countering trend, high risk in three regions – In fact, about the bill: “For the first time, there is a counter-trend signal in the Rt transmissibility index compared to the previous week, with the return of three Regions to a transmissibility compatible with a type 2 scenario ( Lazio, Lombardy and Veneto) “. This in a European context characterized by a new increase in the number of cases in some European countries, including Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany.
Low risk only in five regions – In the follow-up week, the draft continues, “moderate or high risk is still observed in most Autonomous Regions / Provinces with only five Regions / PAs with low risk of an uncontrolled and uncontrollable epidemic. Rigor in the adoption and respect of measures, avoiding a relaxation in behavior. ”Thirteen moderate-risk regions, including two (Marche and the autonomous province of Trento) have a high probability of progressing with high risk in the next month if the current transmissibility remains unchanged .
Holidays, higher risk of infections – Prudence remains high in the face of holidays, in which the follow-up document says: “It is complex to predict the impact that the holiday period could have, however, the increase in mobility and the interpersonal interaction typical of the sociability of this season could determine a significant increase in the transmission of Sars-Cov2. In the situation described, this would imply a consequent rapid increase in cases to levels potentially higher than those observed in November in a context in which the impact of the epidemic in the health workers and the population is still very high. ”
Intensive care and hospitalizations go down – However, the number of people admitted to intensive care and Covid wards continues to decline: in the emergency department the number of patients drops from 3,345 (December 8) to 3,003 (December 15), as well as that of other medical areas, from 30,081 to 27,342.
Values far from restoring tracking – Despite some positive data, with a decrease in the incidence of the virus at the national level in the last 14 days, the value is still “far from levels that would allow the complete recovery of the identification of cases and tracing of their contacts in all the territory”. This approach showed the first signs of criticality when the nationwide value exceeded 50 cases per 100,000 in seven days ”.
Fewer non-chain related cases – The decrease in the number of cases not attributable to known transmission chains continues (38,276 compared to 49,967), with a percentage of cases detected through contact tracing activities stable at 24.6%. On the other hand, a slight increase is observed in the percentage of cases detected due to the appearance of symptoms (34.7% versus 32.3% in the previous week.