Coronavirus, infections on the rise: “It is increasingly difficult to track all cases” – La Stampa


The virus continues to shred infections, as in the rest of Italy, and begins to put pressure on the health system: not so much intensive and sub-intensive therapies and ordinary hospital wards; for the moment, the hospitalization curve is not proportional to the epidemiological one. – but the infection tracking system and the network of 27 laboratories in the area to process swabs.

Yesterday there were two deaths, which occurred in recent days, and 287 new cases of coronavirus infection of which 194 asymptomatic. Of the 287 infections, 17 were identified in RSA and 51 in the school setting. In terms of income, those in intensive care were unchanged compared to Tuesday (15) while those who were not in intensive care increased by 4 (207).

Speaking of swabs: according to the regional bulletin – which insists on not giving the daily number – the diagnostic tests processed since the beginning of the epidemic are 763,688, of which 419,163 were negative. We give you yesterday’s data: 7,523 tests, an increase compared to the 4-5 thousand analyzed in recent days. Soon, in a matter of ten days, the rapid tests ordered by the Piedmont Region will also arrive: more than a million tests, ordered as part of a maxi-tender that led to the Veneto, useful to strengthen the activity of putting on screen.

Few buffers in relation to the other regions, according to the regional councilor of the Democratic Party Domenico Rossi, who asks to increase them: “You cannot be superficial with the health of citizens, so we propose a series of questions that deserve answers. Why are there fewer tampons in Piedmont than in other regions? What will happen with the arrival of the flu and parainfluenza viruses? Is our system already at its maximum working capacity despite official statements? ».

What will happen with the arrival of influenza and parainfluenza viruses at the moment no one can know. Probably, however, the labs are already fighting. A demonstration in this sense is contained in the report of a responsible doctor addressed to colleagues: “As you well know, the management of tests for the investigation of Sars-Cov-2 in the school environment has generated a series of requests that Sisp is supporting but meeting the limit in the availability of laboratories. I ask school administrators to define with more care and attention who they claim to be positive contacts. “In conclusion, the appeal to GPs:” I also ask you to scrupulously consider all requests and be patient when collaborating with public health. “

A report that measures a double problem: the capacity to process tampons and the stress to which the Sisp, the hygiene and public health services of the Local Health Authorities of Piedmont, in charge of carrying out contact tracing, are already subjected, or tracking infections that are now recognized as essential to stopping the epidemic. For at least two reasons. The first is the progressive increase in infections, which implies going back through the chain of contacts (the “case contacts”) to avoid outbreaks. The second is the conditions under which contact tracing is performed. “It was one thing to do it during the confinement, when people were confined to the house, now they are all outside – explains the manager of a Sisp -: difficult to pursue them, in these conditions. Let’s say that, at the very least, a reinforcement of the organic would not hurt.
