Coronavirus: infections go back, +1,326, swab records, almost 103 thousand – Chronicle


Coronavirus infections date back to: nIn the last 24 hours there have been 1,326 (978 yesterday). You are the victims, two less than yesterday. These are the figures from the Ministry of Health.

More than 100,000 coronavirus swabs have been made in the last 24 hours. Specifically 102,959, according to data from the Ministry of Health. This is the absolute test record in a single day.

The investigation into the deaths, more than 40, in the Vercelli retirement home during the peak of the Covid emergency is expanded. The prosecutor, who is investigating for multiple homicide and culpable epidemic, has registered three other people in the register of suspects. They are two doctors, against whom the omission of official acts is hypothesized, and the coordinator of the Oss. The director of the retirement home, Alberto Cottini, and the health director, Sara Bouvet, as well as Chiara Serpieri, director of the Vercelli ASL, accused of omission of official acts, have already been investigated.

“Good and important, more than two hours of exchange” between the EU ambassadors to Coreper today on the need for coordination at the European level of measures to deal with the resurgence of the coronavirus. Among the ambassadors there was broad agreement on the fact that there is a common interest in closer coordination “. This is explained by EU diplomatic sources.” The work will now continue intensively. The responsible body (IPCR) will meet again on Monday. The first focus will be on the issue of comparability of epidemiological data and communication ”, they add.