Coronavirus, infected returned to Puglia on vacation in Sardinia:


From August 23 until today, 18 cases of people from Apulia who tested positive for Covid when returning from their holidays in Sardinia, a high number, equivalent to 9% of the total positives. For this reason, the president of the Puglia Region and the director of the Health Promotion department have instructed the ASL prevention departments to contact all who arrive or return to Puglia from Sardinia to have a swab.

The provision is aimed at all those who have arrived from Sardinia as of August 15: from August 15 to today, there are 923 people who have self-reported on the website of the Puglia Region.

If there are citizens who have forgotten to fill in the mandatory online self-report form for all those arriving from outside the region, they are invited to act immediately, also because the cross-checks of the ASL prevention departments will also be activated with the support of the police to ensure that all aircraft or ship passengers residing in Apulia returning from Sardinia as of August 15 have been effectively informed about their arrival in Apulia, in order to check that they are complete.

The self-report form is available at this link

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