Coronavirus, in view of the summer government at work: “We think of proximity tourism, but those who have a house by the sea can go there”


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Beach club owners won’t have to wait much longer. In the coming days we will work on a decree that allows reopening for the first cleaning and maintenance operations. the the deputy secretary of Mibact, Lorenza Bonaccorsi explains that the goal is to give the Italians to go to the beach “As long as all the security conditions that the situation requires exist.” And since millions of Italians come to them every year Beaches of our country “to ensure that vacations are not worst an already delicate situation, it would be appropriate to choose also destinations closest to your residencemaybe one of the historical towns of which Italy is rich. “Also because it is foreseeable that whoever chooses one seaside vacation, you will have to live it living with very strict rules.

WAITING FOR THE DECREE “Already in the next days – The undersecretary will explain – work will be done to quickly arrive in an act with which to give the green light to bathing establishments so that they can begin to prepare for the summer season. We are aware that time is running out if you want to start in June. We will be in contact with the Ministry of Health tomorrow. ” Because the act in question “must be a ministerial decree Roberto Speranza, with which a direction will be given to the Regions. “For the latter, however,” their respective autonomies will remain. “Therefore, what happened with the libraries could happen, that is, in some territories the meshes widen or tense, also due to the spread of infection. “So we will have to work on the rules – added Undersecretary Bonaccorsi, from the use of masks to social distancing, but that is a bit early for that. It will be a crucial moment when you need to be careful and avoid backing down in the fight against Covid19. ”

Prospects for the summer. Net fall of foreigners in vacations. How are you going to go to the beach? Mask assumptions, spaced umbrellas, application.
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Prospects for the summer. Net fall of foreigners in vacations. How are you going to go to the beach? Mask assumptions, spaced umbrellas, application. “But now he rules or it will be late”

PROXIMITY TOURISM – But if, on the one hand, we work to reopen the factories, on the other hand, the objective is not to meet multitudes of swimmers on the coast, which, however, in our country is a fairly common scenario in the summer months. Lorenza Bonaccorsi explains that a series of measures are being studied to allow the development of tourism ‘proximity’Perhaps by favoring ancient towns over crowded beaches. Let’s take a concrete example. If I live in Turin and I have the house in Liguria i can’t reach it? If I live to work a Milan and throughout the year I dreamed of my trullo in Puglia, do I have to resign myself to seeing it again next year? Do I have to stay in the region, or even in the province, where I live? “Absolutely not,” he explains to – those who have a second home in another region, perhaps because they come from a territory bathed by the sea, in CampaniaSicily Puglia, Calabria just to give some examples, should to be able to do it next summer too. This at least is the goal, because it all depends on how the situation will evolve. “However, it is unthinkable that you can go to the beach and remain ‘tied’ to the umbrella next to it.” clear rules – added the government representative – and it is the same reason that leads us to suggest that we not all go to the same places. “So what is meant by ‘proximity holidays‘? “We are trying to understand, through some surveys, the propensity of Italians to live vacations in closer destinations, also because many citizens also have to deal with the economic crisis and prefer less crowded destinations for tourists, such as small towns, so that Italy is very rich. ” This is the so-called “sustainable tourism” which, incidentally, has been at the center of a real trend in recent years, including foreigners.

THINKING ABOUT SHOT – Speaking of foreigners. In a hypothetical ‘phase 3Where do you start from to try to repair the damage created by the spread of the virus in our country? “For me today there is no phase 3, a precise date, even if you have to start thinking about a strategic repositioning for Italy Certainly, we cannot invite citizens of other countries today to see our beauties, also because the problem of air transport would arise ”. But we cannot wait either, the damage suffered so far is enormous and it does not allow it. “There are those who speak of a deficit of 40 billion euros, of which 70 billion compared to 2019, because tourism is so many things, from hotels to guides and restaurants, explains the undersecretary, for this reason, from now on, we must think of a communication that focuses on all our strengths. Not only the sea, but also the culture, the gastronomy. And here, in this context, the towns returned completely. “Can we take our tourism to where it was on Olympus?” We continue to be the country that citizens around the world they want to visit more than anyone, because the tourists who come here are in love with our culture, gastronomy and our ‘Italian life’. From here we have to start again. The times will probably be long, also because it will be necessary to wait for the world to regain its sense of security not only when coming to Italy, but precisely when traveling. “

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