Coronavirus in Veneto, Zaia: “We will ask vets to make quick swabs”


«I have given orders to summon the representatives of the 2,450 veterinarians in Veneto to make tampons ». This was announced by the president of Veneto Luca zaia. “Man is a mammal,” he added, “all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae, they breastfeed the newborn and veterinarians are experts in this. It is not at all momentous to think about taking a trip with the vets, if they were available for swabs, “he concluded.

Press conference by Luca Zaia (Facebook)
Press conference by Luca Zaia (Facebook)

Sorting by bands

“At the moment we have no news about the classification of Veneto. But on Tuesday night I laid out the reasons why the comparison cannot be separated from a comparison with the Region ”. «This request – added Zaia – seems to have been accepted. He said it bowl and it was reconfirmed by the decree of Minister Speranza “.My concern is not the color of the band, but rather that the green band is perceived as a “green light”.“.” The Regions – Zaia recalled – asked for a comparison when defining the range, after immediately there is a decree temporarily related to economic measures, and that parental leave is immediately financed in a clear and timely manner. Then there was a new request on who should provide cleaning of squares in case of crowds. It seems to us – he concluded – that this has been recognized. “At the moment – he specified – Veneto does not have elements about demanding classifications. We expect a showdown with the government. We have informed in writing that the models of 21 parameters they do not take into account quick swabs. However, we know that if we fail, we pass the band. If green allows the status quo to be maintained, moving to orange there are important closures, to continue growing until the closure. It depends on us ”, he concluded.

The contagion curve

Meanwhile, there are no signs of a slowdown in the contagion curve in Veneto: in the last 24 hours there have been 2,436 positives and 20 deaths. The Covid newsletter of the Region informs it. The total number of positives reaches 65,531, 2,478 deaths. 1,193 people are hospitalized, 155 currently in intensive care.

The acid test

«Our litmus test remains the intensive therapy ei hospitalizations“.” There is pressure on hospitals – continued Zaia – because we have the equivalent of almost three large hospitals dedicated to Covid patients. And daily hospitalizations are worth more than a room. In this situation, we are gradually reducing ordinary hospital activities in Covid centers, safeguarding birth points where possible and safeguarding oncologists and psychiatrists. There are no other solutions. We are pushing to colonize the budgeted beds; to date all patients have a bed, until the last we choose not to empty completely hospitals destined to be Covid centers ”, he concluded.

The crisis committee

In addition, we have approved the creation of a coronavirus crisis committee, which will summarize the measures we take ”. “In this way we share the decisions – he added – with a board where there is a representative of Ulss Company me hospital, central executives of the areas of health, social and civil protection. We are a team and we must work promoting each professionalism.

November 4, 2020 (change November 4, 2020 | 13:48)

