Coronavirus in Trentino, the former rector: “ Instead of speaking inappropriately about the elderly who pay for their sins, the president should take note of the seriousness of the situation ”


TRENTO. “I am afraid that by dint of hiding the true figures of the pandemic from the people of Trentino, the president has come to believe his false figures.” So Davide bassi, former rector of the University of Trento, who adds: “If you want to inform the population in a serious and convincing way, you must first tell us how many positive people there are actually in Trentino today.”

The former rector returns to what he defined in recent days “a Trentino anomaly“by the completely extravagant criterion” – says Bassi – that the province of Trento has adopted beginnings of November henceforth for the calculation of new infections “(Here article).

After investigations of The Dolomites (Here article) and the continuous requests for transparency come from the citizenship and the opposition (here article), Trentino seems to have started a path to try realign to national standards to make ends meet with antigen testing data (article here) – numbers that have come out only recently, including those for confirmations. This last step in the face of the contradictory messages of the Province and the continuous changes in the modus operandi (Here article).

The monitoring panel reports 2,055 current positives in the provincial territory, that is, those verified by molecular swabs. “The Municipality of Trento – explains Bassi – reports there are nearly 1,000 positive people currently in the capital city alone (the official report instead reports 485 currently active cases in the molecular), If we look at the official statistics of the Province, the positive ones currently would be around two thousand units. The cases are that in Trento there is a particularly unhealthy air or the currently positive data reported by the Province are false because they do not take into account those (say about 2-3 thousand people) who have tested positive with the antigenic swab alone and that, the molecular swab will probably only do so after they have been virologically negative. The same old story that has been dragging on since last November ”.

The still high number of ICU hospitalizations and beds remains high, represent a cause for concern. A criticality that joins the always quite significant data of infections that are recorded daily among those over 70 years of age.

The number of hospitalizations in this segment of the population is high and significant. The risk of intensive care is directly proportional and this concerns us objectively. There is a lack of conscience among the elderly, we have this feeling“.”, the comment of the President Maurizio Fugatti in the last press point (here article).

“The president of the Province – says the former rector – has never been noted for lucidity and clarity when talking about the pandemic. Maybe you didn’t really understand certain things or maybe your technicians didn’t explain them well. Sometimes he repeats numbers inappropriately and invariably takes it out every day on ‘the elderly who would not be wise enough and would end up filling the hospitals’. However, if we look at the data for the Municipality of Trento (the complete ones and not the partial ones communicated by the Province) we see that the people over 70 years of age who are currently positive in Trento are 19% of the total. The percentage does not differ much from the national average, which, during the last 30 days, was 17.6% of the total”.

To date, in fact, the total numbers have never been provided, the previous ones since Piazza Dante began to communicate also the antigenic test.

“The elderly in Trentino contract Covid-19 with a probability more or less similar to that of the rest of Italy. The data of the elderly – highlights Bassi – who are hospitalized in the RSA could be different (but ordinary citizens do not know it) , but if we talk about the majority of those over 70, I think I can assure the president that we are not reckless old men who do not respect the rules of prevention. We get sick, unfortunately, because the virus circulates very intensely, with values ​​comparable to those of Veneto (even if the official data from Trentino considered by the Higher Institute of Health account for only a minimal part of infections) Even the estimates made by the ISS of the rate of transmission of infection in Trentino are meaningless because they are based in inconsistent data “.

Meanwhile they have also registered 1,023 dead since last March. “Perhaps it would be the case that the president of the province of Trento, instead of blaming his elders, finally took note of the seriousness of the pandemic situation in Trentino. And, as long as there is, Send us your comments on the mortality data in Trentino processed by Istat. Hospitals are full because the virus circulates too much. The elderly are only the victims of this situation and they are paying a very high price for their faults, ”concludes Bassi.
