Trentino, September 8, 2020 – The first bell rang and the alarm went off immediately Coronavirus. With the first day of school in most of the country and after only a week of the reopening of educational structures in Trentino, in a asylum of Pergine found the first positive child in Covid. The episode took place in one of the three nurseries managed by the “Città Futura” cooperative, which welcomes 66 children in it, and the news was given by the mayor of Pergine, Roberto Oss Emer, on the municipal social page. They were put into fiduciary isolation and cleaned up others 6 children of the same “class group” and two educators.
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The reopening of the Institutes also worries a Cream, where he fever of a child triggered the anti-Covid protocol in a school, with all the class of the little left at home, as reported by the province of Cremona. The parents correctly reported the temperature before leaving home to the Iside Franceschini municipal preschool. Nothing serious for the child, just a few lines of fever, but now the parents will have to notify the pediatrician and the family doctor, and, while waiting for the result of the swab in the child, the entire section should stay at home as a precaution. If the swab is negative, everyone will immediately return to class, if it is positive it will take much longer.
Empty chairs, Galli della Loggia: no work ethic
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