TRENTO. exist 8,527 almost me 491 deaths in Trentino forCoronavirus emergency, Am 6,560 those recovered from the start of the emergency and 1,476 current positives. Unfortunately, another death was reported in Pergine Valsugana. The balance is 20 deaths in 17 days and 21 victims in this second wave of Covid-19 (here article). The order of the president of the province has arrived to implement the last Dpcm of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte (here article).
exist 86 people in the Trento and Rovereto hospitals, 5 patients are in the intensive care unit and 10 people are in high intensity. In the last 24 hours, 113 positives were found for the analysis of 983 molecular swabs for an infection / swab ratio of 11.5%.
Among the newly infected, 24 infections occurred in RSA, there is concern at the nursing home front, Male is attention (here article). Then 1 case refers to the age group 0-5 years, 3 positives instead between 6–15 years, while fine 40 infections affect people over 70 years. There’s also 6 new cases among school-age children and youth: The health authorities are in the process of investigation to reconstruct if this implies the quarantine of other classes. The updated figure is 131 classes in isolation, +9 compared to what was communicated yesterday.
There are 22 new positives to Trento leading to 1,463 cases since the beginning of the epidemic. To these are added 20 infections by Male (47 cases). In contrast, there are 10 infections by Rovereto (441 cases), so 5 positive to Pergine (484 almost), Cles (119 cases) and Besenello (54 almost).
There are 4 infections a San Giovanni di Fassa (95 cases) and To (69 cases), then 2 infections by Lavis (190 almost), Predaia (44 almost), Vigolana Plateau (32 almost), Novella (32 almost), Aldeno (22 cases) e Ticino Castle (8 almost).
And 1 more positive Arc (406 almost), Riva del Garda (209 almost), Predazzo (143 almost), Mezzolombardo (135 almost), Mezzocorona (126 almost), Bleggio Superiore (84 cases) and I died (74 almost), Ville d’Anaunia (54 almost), Borgo d’Anaunia (47 almost), Altavalle (32 almost), Roncegno Terme (31 almost), They fly (27 almost), Mazzin (25 almost), Campodenno (24 almost), Dimaro Folgarida (20 almost), Caderzone (17 almost), Carzano (16 almost), Commezzadura (16 almost), Telve (14 almost), Asleep (10 almost), Make pay (9 almost), Scurelle (9 almost), Cis (6 almost), Is (6 cases) e Sarnonico (4 cases). There are 2 cases to assign.
Contagion rates. A Pellizzano 8.4% of the population was infected, while a Pieve di Bono-Prezzo 7% follow Borgo churches 6.6%. Then Campitello di Fassa (6.2%), Bleggio Superiore (5.5%), Canazei (5.1%), Vermilion me Mazzin (4.3%) Cembra Lisignago (4%), Ledro (3.3%), Predazzo (3.2%), Canal San Bovo me Carzano (3%), Capriana, Valdaone, Names me Storo (2.8%), San Giovanni di Fassa (2.7%), Clearance, Cavedago me Drains (2.6%).
Still Giudicarie saddle, Caderzone Terme, Pinzolo me Castello-Molina di Fiemme (2.5%), Giustino me Dig (2.4%), Arc, Mezzocorona, Soraga me Condino Castle (2.3%), Levico, Baselga di Pinè me Cavedine (2.2%), Dro, Tesero, Lavis, Male me tion (2.1%) Terzolas, Sant’Orsola, Cis, Altavalle, Besenello me Bondone (two%). The rate at the provincial level is around 1.5%. TO Trento 1.2% is recorded, Rovereto 1.1%, Riva del Garda 1.2% e Pergine 2.2%.
The total balance in Trentino due to the emergency is 491 dead. TO Trento There have been 49 victims since the emergency began, 35 to Pergine, 34 ad Arc, 31 to Rovereto, 30 to Ledro. There are 20 dead to Predazzo, 17 to Riva del Garda, 16 to Dro me Mezzolombardo and 13 to Cavedine me Pieve di Bono-Prezzo, 12 a Pellizzano, 11 a Lavis, 10 a Borgo churches me Names.