Coronavirus in Trentino, another 6 cases in RSA. There are 5 territories in “double digits”. The 72 municipalities of the contagion and where the 8 deaths occurred


TRENTO. exist 13,190 almost me 589 deaths in Trentino due to the coronavirus emergency, they are 9,546 the healed from the beginning of the emergency and 3,055 current positives. Unfortunately, 8 deaths were reported, of which 2 in RSA: the deaths are attributed to the Municipalities of Trento (3 victims), Baselga di Pinè, Levico, Predaia, Altopiano della Vigolana and Sant’Orsola. The balance is 119 deaths in this second wave of Covid-19 (article here).

There are 403 people seeking treatment in the hospital system of which 33 patients are in intensive care me 50 in high intensity. In the last 24 hours, 268 positives were found against analysis of 2,482 molecular swabs for a contagion / swab ratio of 10.8%. 586 people were analyzed and the infection rate is 45.7% (according to the visual table of Gedi with data from the Ministry of Health).

Among the new infections, 103 present symptoms (more than 80 are pauci-sitomatic) and 165 have been identified by screening. The percentage of infected people in the elderly is significant: today 74 cases among those over 70 years. They are also investigating 32 new positive cases among children and young people of school age to establish the provisions of isolation of the classes, 227 the figure updated yesterday. There are 6 cases between guests and operators connected to the RSA, but also 4 very young children between 0-2 years and another 4 with less than 5 years positive results.

These are the data, related to molecular swabs (the number of antigen tests have not yet been revealed, here article), published by the province of Trento: the “official” data from capital report of 650 currently positive people identified with molecular swab, while there are 1,590 with antigen test (here article), while in Ledro for example, there are 12 infections with molecular and 62 with rapid test (article here).

In detail. There are 57 new positives to Trento leading to 2,699 cases since the beginning of the epidemic. To these are added 23 infections to Pergine (881 almost), 18 a Rovereto (701 almost), 14 a Cles (212 cases) and 11 a Baselga di Pinè (266 almost).

There are 7 infected in Vigolana Plateau (112 cases) e Arc (530 almost), 6 a Predaia (122 almost), 5 a Borgo d’Anaunia (76 almost), They fly (46 almost), Civezzano (86 cases) and Caldonazzo (84 almost), 4 a Borgo Valsugana (120 almost), Mezzocorona (162 cases) and Aldeno (44 almost).

There are 3 infections a Mezzolombardo (173 almost), Giudicarie saddle (105 almost), Bedollo (72 almost), Force (45 almost), Asleep (25 almost), Ronzone (11 cases) e Palù del Fersina (9 almost), 2 a Levico (246 almost), Riva del Garda (302 almost), Predazzo (159 almost), Lavis (289 almost), Cavedine (79 almost), Brentonico (90 almost), Vermilion (88 almost), Castello-Molina di Fiemme (68 almost), Tenna (27 almost), Terre d’Adige (Almost 48), San Michele all’Adige (80 almost), Pomarolo (35 almost), Grigno (27 almost), Frassilongo (15 almost), Cavareno (14 cases) e Castelnuovo (2 almost).

And 1 more positive Ledro (193 almost), Dro (132 almost), Bleggio Superiore (92 almost), Pinzolo (91 almost), Madruzzo (58 almost), I died (152 almost), Ville d’Anaunia (122 almost), tion (111 almost), Rendena gates (40 almost), To (94 almost), Tesero (90 almost), Vallelaghi (49 almost), Villa Lagarina (35 almost), Tenno (34 almost), Telve (23 almost), Scurelle (16 almost), Cimone (13 almost), Giovo (63 almost), Novella (57 almost), Roncegno Terme (43 almost), Campodenno (41 almost), Folgaria (35 almost), First San Martino di Castrozza (29 almost), Calceranica (28 almost), Livo (22 almost), Capriana (20 almost), Caldes (18 almost), Terzolas (18 almost), Romanian (17 almost), Borgo Lares (15 almost), Valfloriana (14 almost), Sfruz (12 almost), Bresimo (8 cases) e Garniga Terme (4 almost).
