TRENTO. exist 10,814 almost me 519 deaths in Trentino forCoronavirus emergency, Am 7,883 those recovered from the start of the emergency and 2,412 current positives. Unfortunately, 3 deaths were reported among Trento, Predaia me Giudicarie saddle. The balance is 49 deaths in this second wave of Covid-19 (here article).
exist 239 people in the hospitals of which 15 patients They are located in the neighborhood of intensive care and 16 in High intensity. In the last 24 hours they have found 320 positives based on the analysis of 3132 molecular swabs for a contagion / swab ratio of 10.32%. In the last 24 hours it has been 750 people tested and the infection rate is 42% (according to Gedi’s visual table with data from the Ministry of Health).
Among the newly infected, 149 people have symptoms and there are 77 positives among those over 70 years of age. To these are added 2 cases between 0-2 years and 1 less than 5 years. The call is to follow security measures from a distance and the use of a mask to protect the elderly population.
Today they have found 25 new positivity of school-age children and youth, the health authorities are rebuilding to include any quarantine measures. There are currently 238 isolated classes.
There are 52 new positives to Trento that takes to the height 2,125 cases since the beginning of the epidemic. To these are added 41 infections by Pergine (658 almost).
There are 19 infections Rovereto (581 cases) and 17 positive ads Arc (458 cases), 10 infections at Baselga di Pinè (174 almost), Brentonico (75 almost), Lavis (249 cases) and Riva del Garda (265 almost).
There are 7 infected in Borgo d’Anaunia (57 cases) and Cles (162 almost), 6 a Levico (216 almost), Mezzocorona (146 cases) and Ville d’Anaunia (90 cases). So 5 positives to Civezzano (57 almost), 4 to Borgo Valsugana (94 almost), Castel Ivano (46 almost), Dig (108 cases) and Nogaredo (27 almost).
There are 3 positives Vigolana Plateau (71 almost), Caldonazzo (64 almost), Campodenno (35 almost), Ledro (183 almost), Mezzolombardo (157 almost), Tesero (68 almost), tion (99 cases) and Villa Lagarina (30 almost).
So 2 infections a Giudicarie saddle (91 almost), Calliano (35 almost), Canazei (98 almost), Cembra Lisignago (99 almost), Dro (119 almost), Fierozzo (12 almost), Isera (31 almost), I died (97 almost), Pieve Ticino (16 almost), Ronzone (7 almost), San Giovanni di Fassa (105 almost), Scurelle (15 almost), Spormaggiore (12 cases) e Tre Ville (26 almost).
And 1 more positive Predaia (72 almost), To (84 almost), Aldeno (31 almost), Plane (32 almost), Bedollo (45 almost), Besenello (67 almost), Calceranica (21 almost), Caldes (10 almost), Castelnuovo (8 almost), Cavareno (10 almost), Cavizzana (4 almost), counted (14 almost), Dambel (9 almost), Force (26 almost), Frassilongo (8 almost), Giovo (58 almost), Grigno (19 almost), Canvas-Lases (6 almost), Madruzzo (43 almost), Male (68 almost), Moena (46 almost), Nago-Torbole (29 almost), Novella (46 almost), Ospedaletto (5 almost), Pinzolo (84 almost), Pomarolo (26 almost), Predazzo (147 almost), Rabbi (11 almost), Roncegno Terme (35 almost), San Michele all’Adige (67 almost), Sant’Orsola (24 almost), Sanzeno (8 almost), Asleep (13 almost), Telve (17 almost), Tenna (21 almost), Terre d’Adige (36 almost), Terzolas (17 almost), Vallarsa (10 almost), Vallelaghi (40 cases) e Vignola-Falesina (5 almost).