Coronavirus in Trentino, 18 positive in Lavis and 12 cases in Mori. Here are the 82 municipalities of the contagion and where the 14 deaths occurred


TRENTO. exist 19,468 almost me 860 deaths in Trentino due to the coronavirus emergency since the beginning of the epidemic, they are 15,804 the healed from the beginning of the emergency and 2,804 current positives for molecular swab. Unfortunately, 14 deaths were reported. The deaths were attributed to the Municipalities of Trento (3 victims), Rovereto (3 victims), Arc, Riva del Garda, Lavis, Ledro, Dro me Brentonico. The balance is 390 deaths in this second wave of Covid (here article).

There are 465 people seeking treatment in the hospital system of which 53 patients are in intensive care me 57 in high intensity. They have been found 377 positives (279 already antigenic) from the analysis of 1,722 swabs for a contagion / buffer ratio at 21.9%. Others 196 contagion have been identified through 1,483 antigenic test and a report of 13.2%. In total, 573 infections with the contagion / buffer ratio stood at 18%.

However, the Apss and Pat dashboard does not update with the antigen test data and only reports the molecular swabs. Since last week, the Province has finally begun to communicate general data on the spread of the infection in the provincial territory, figures that include the antigenic test.

In detail the results of molecular swabs. A Trento They have been found 89 new infections and the current positives are 639, others 37 positivity a Rovereto (244 current positives), 18 infections a Lavis (47 current positives), 14 almost a Pergine (114 current positives) e 12 almost a I died (40 current positives).

Others 9 infections a To (37 current positives), 8 almost a Storo (20 current positives) e tion (20 current positives), 7 positives a Riva del Garda (70 current positives), Dro (35 current positives) e Vallelaghi (36 current positives).

exist 5 new infections a Cles (60 current positives), Borgo Valsugana (47 current positives), San Giovanni di Fassa (14 current positives), Castel Ivano (45 current positives), Besenello (13 current positives) e Plane (18 current positives).

And so 4 infections a Baselga di Pinè (19 positives), Predaia (25 current positives), Giudicarie saddle (29 positive current), First San Martino di Castrozza (57 positives), Terre d’Adige (11 current positives), Villa Lagarina (9 current positives), Pomarolo (14 current positives), Tenna (11 current positives) e Tre Ville (9 current positives).

exist 3 almost in Ledro (15 current positives), Mezzocorona (15 current positives), Pieve di Bono-Prezzo (18 positives), Aldeno (7 current positives), Clearance (5 current positives) e Segonzano (8 current positives).

Others 2 contagion a Mezzolombardo (22 current positives), Plateau of Vigolana (36 current positives), Dig (10 current positives), Civezzano (16 current positives), Pinzolo (27 positives), San Michele all’Adige (20 current positives), Comano Terme (11 current positives), Valdaone (9 current positives), Rabbi (7 current positives), Vallarsa (7 current positives), Cavareno (7 current positives), Caderzone Terme (4 current positives), Borgo Lares (7 current positives), Course (10 current positives), Ronzone (5 current positives) e Lavarone (3 current positives).

Still 1 positive a Brentonico (25 current positives), Levico (33 current positives), Ville d’Anaunia (25 current positives), Male (5 current positives), Cavedine (13 current positives), Borgo d’Anaunia (9 current positives), Giovo (8 current positives), Grigno (11 current positives), Pellizzano (6 current positives), Force (5 current positives), Canal San Bovo (13 current positives), They fly (8 current positives), Isera (12 current positives), Campodenno (6 current positives), Rendena gates (9 current positives), Altavalle (7 current positives), Peio (3 current positives), Mezzano (15 current positives), your (3 current positives), Stenic (4 current positives), Caldes (10 current positives), Albian (5 current positives), Novaledo (8 current positives), Romanian (6 current positives), Carisolo (5 current positives), Ossana (3 current positives), Twister (3 current positives), Good (4 current positives), Canvas-Lases (4 current positives), Molveno (2 current positives), Hairy (1 positive current), Ronzo Chienis (2 current positives), Ticino belts (4 current positives) e Garniga Terme (1 positive current).
