Yesterday afternoon, Sunday May 10, the agency Bloomberg He wrote that Mike Pence would be quarantined after his spokesperson Katie Miller tested positive for Covid-19 last Friday. However, a few hours later, Devin O’Malley, speaking on behalf of the White House press office, denied: “The vice president is not isolated and will continue to follow the working group meetings.” Pence had a tampon on Saturday, with a negative result.
Touch the oval office
However, the upswing in indiscretions and clarifications is the latest development in a kind of siege on the White House. The coronavirus is now near the Oval Office, although no action is planned for Donald Trump. Meanwhile, always yesterday, it was learned that Anthony Fauci and the heads of the country’s health authorities have imposed self-isolation. The virologist in the workforce has announced that he will stay home for two weeks, after also having contacts with Pence’s word of mouth. Forced incarceration in the home also for Robert Redfield, the director of CoC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Stephen Hahn as head of the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration.
Trump without mask
White House chief of staff Mark Meadows tries to reassure everyone by telling reporters that “steps have been taken to ensure safe work.” In theory, all staff should wear masks. But images of the summits so far showed that Donald Trump, Pence and Meadows himself were unprotected. “We don’t have a mask because the president, the vice president, and all councilors are evaluated every day,” Meadows explained. However, the feeling persists that Trump wants to show that, still, disdaining the mask, how much the danger of infection has decreased. However, it is not clear on the basis of what data.
20 thousand new cases every day
In the United States, the number of positives continues to grow at a rate of more than 20,000 cases per day and the total number has reached 1.3 million. The deaths are more than 80 thousand and, unfortunately, they will continue to increase in the coming weeks. No one, at this time, can predict with certainty up to what threshold. Curves show that the epidemic is spreading to other states, to other hitherto partially affected cities, from Chicago to Los Angeles, as well as to rural areas, such as in some Iowa districts. However, Trump maintains his focus: the country it must be reopened, taking into account other victims. On Friday, May 8, the president went on to say that “the virus will disappear sooner or later, even if we don’t have a vaccine.” Trump, the American newspapers write, would also like to resume the protests from June, perhaps outdoors. As if to say: the worst is over and “America can go back to normal.”
The crisis
The American leader, at the same time, is concerned about the jump in unemployment statistics. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has disclosed that the unemployment rate is already at 14% and may hit 20% between now and summer. In the past seven weeks, about 33.5 million people have applied for unemployment benefits. The country is approaching the limit of social heritage. Starting today, Congress will resume discussion on another package of measures, it would be the fourth. So far, approximately three trillion dollars have been deployed. This time, however, Mnuchin, the protagonist in negotiating the other measures, is more cautious: “Let’s take some time. We want to make sure we don’t use thousands of taxpayer dollars to save the budget of poorly managed states.” And this is precisely the point: New York State and others want about $ 500 million to cover the expenses incurred in the emergency. Democrats support the request, Republicans do not. Trump and Mnuchin, on the other hand, are pushing for the economy to restart in the country.
May 11, 2020 (change May 11, 2020 | 03:31)