Coronavirus in the province of Brescia: deaths and infections


As of Saturday, April 25, Ats Brescia no longer provides detailed infection tables for each individual municipality under its jurisdiction. Therefore, it is no longer possible, for us at, to update the data Municipality by Municipality, regarding contagions. For deaths, however, the territorial breakdown was provided again as of Tuesday, April 28. In the last 24 hours, 12 crossings have been registered: two in Brescia, one in Chiari, Desenzano, Ghedi, Lumezzane, Rodengo Saiano, Roncadelle, Sarezzo, Sirmione, Treviso Bresciano, Villa Carcina.

The new contagion table (found below) takes into account swabs made to operators and guests of nursing homes and residences for the disabled. In the last 24 hours, in the municipalities under the jurisdiction of ATS Brescia, there were 34 (yesterday there were 66, the day before yesterday 93), divided as follows: 30 among the population, 2 among the guests of the residences for the elderly and disabled. and 2 among RSA, RSD and hospital operators. The number of people cured, that is, with a double negative swab, far exceeds that of the newly infected: between Friday and Saturday there were 212, for a total of 6,763. Remember that the table does not photograph the situation of infections and deaths that occurred in the municipalities of Valcamonica, which are the responsibility of Ats Montagna.

These are the data provided by the Lombardy Region, which also takes into account the municipalities of Valcamonica, during the usual update in the afternoon: there are 46 new cases in Brescia (yesterday they were 69, the day before yesterday 124) for a total of 13,506.

Here are the complete tables:

May 9, 2020
Died of coronavirus
acquafredda 9
Adro 2. 3
Agnosine 8
Alfianello 8
Ampho 2
Azzano Mella 6
Bagnolo Mella 26
Bagolino 12
barbariga 13
Barghe 0
Bassano Bresciano 6
berlingo 4
Bione 4
Borgo San Giacomo 19
Borgosatollo 22
botticino 22
Bovegno one
bovezzo 14
brandy 4
Brescia 397
brione one
Cain one
Calcinate 12
Calvagese d / r one
Calvisano twenty-one
Capovalle 2
Capriano del Colle 5
capriolo 26
Carpenedolo 30
Castegnato twenty
Castel Mella 16
Castelcovati 12
Castenedolo 19
Chaste 4
Castrezzato 9
Cazzago s / m 31
Cellatica 6
Chiari 49
Cigole eleven
Coccaglio twenty
Collebeato 7
collio one
Suburb fifteen
Comezzano-Cizzago 5
Concession 24
Frank Court 16
Corzano 4
dello 7
Desenzano del Garda 43
Erbusco 19
Fiesse one
Flero eleven
shrimp 6
Riviera Gardone 3
Gardone Val Trompia 17
gargnano 0
Gavardo 18
Ghedi 35
Gottolengo 18
Gussago Four. Five
Hydro 4
Iseo 17
Isorella 12
Lavenone one
Log 25
Limone Sul Garda 0
Lodrino 4
Achieve fifteen
Lonato del Garda twenty-one
Longhena 2
lumezzane 44
Maclodius one
Mairano 2
Manerba del Garda 5
manerbio Four. Five
Marcheno 8
Marmentino 0
Marone 8
Mazzano 13
Milzano 3
Moniga del Garda 6
Monte Isola 3
Monticelli Brusati 9
Montichiari 27
Montirone 19
walls 2
Muscoline 2
ship twenty
Nuvolent 5
Nuvolera eleven
Odolo 3
offlaga 8
Ome 7
Orzinuovi 57
Orzivecchi 7
Ospitaletto 35
Padenghe sul Garda 16
Paderno Franciacorta 8
Paitone one
Palazzolo sull’Oglio 55
paratic 14
passirano 13
Peacock de la Mella 13
High pole 2
Low pole one
Pezzaze 2
Polaveno 2
Polpenazze del Garda 3
Pompiano 6
Poncarale eleven
Pontevico 26
Pontoglio twenty-one
pozzolengo 8
Pralboino 7
Preseglie 3
Prevelly 6
Provaglio d’Iseo 18
Provaglio Val Sabbia one
Puegnago del Garda 2
Quinzano d’Oglio 24
Remedello 8
rezzato twenty
Roccafranca eleven
Rodengo Saiano 29
Roè Volciano 7
roncadelle 28
rovato 41
Rudiano 4
Sabbio Chiese eleven
Marasino salt 10
Salo fifteen
San Felice del Benaco 4
San gervasio 4
San paolo 14
San Zeno Naviglio 10
Sarezzo 25
Seniga 4
Be 0
Sirmione 12
Soiano del Lago 2
Sulzano 5
Tavernole sul Mella one
tignale one
Torbole Casaglia 17
Toscolano Maderno 17
Travagliato 29
Tremosine 2
Trenzano fifteen
Treviso Bresciano 3
Urago d’Oglio 6
Vallio Terme 2
Valvestino one
Verolanuova 3. 4
Verolavecchia 14
Vestone 9
Villa Carcina fifteen
Villachiara 6
Villanuova sul Clisi 7
Visano 3
Vobarno 12
zone 2
Total 2373
date Total cases
Of which
Positive cases
General population
Of which
Positive guest cases
RSA / RSD and SocioSanitario
Of which
Positive operator cases
RSA / RSD and SocioSanitario
From February 24
to March 15

From March 16 to 31

April 01 to 15 2448
April 16th 157 70 72 fifteen
April 17th 102 56 29 17
April 18th 109 52 39 18
April 19th 152 38 100 14
April 20th 52 36 13 3
April, the 21st 71 35 27 9
April 22 70 26 29 fifteen
April 23rd 167 69 56 42
April 24 96 30 44 22
April 25th 58 24 28 6
April 26 27 twenty-one 6 0
April 27 48 19 twenty-one 8
28th of April 67 14 42 eleven
April 29 60 25 29 6
April 30th 53 31 12 10
May 1 Four. Five 28 14 3
May 2 28 25 0 3
May 3 40 36 4 0
May 4th 67 22 29 16
May 5th twenty-one 8 9 4
May 6th 74 53 8 13
May 7th 93 69 13 eleven
May 8 66 53 10 3
May 9 3. 4 30 2 2

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date isolates
Mandatory to
(cumulative data)
Double swab
(cumulative data)
of positive cases
From February 24
to March 15
From March 16 to 31 1133
April 1 to 5 556
April 16th 2703 2523 29
April 17th 2689 2687 24
April 18th 2611 2884 2. 3
April 19th 2555 3278 25
April 20th 2529 3378 24
April, the 21st 2450 3550 22
April 22 2275 3852 twenty
April 23rd 2181 4159 6
April 24 2068 4399 9
April 25th 2029 4478 12
April 26 2001 4612 6
April 27 1830 4846 6
28th of April 1770 4973 16
April 29 1640 5185 6
April 30th 1532 5393 5
May 1 1533 5582 4
May 2 1421 5736 3
May 3 1417 5840 0
May 4th 1412 5923 7
May 5th 1450 5976 8
May 6th 1478 6134 19
May 7th 1395 6371 10
May 8 1376 6551 14
May 9 1310 6763 12
1310 6723 2373