Coronavirus: in the Ligurian hospital patients fall below a thousand but deaths are 27


Genoa. am 314 new positive coronaviruses in Liguria of a total of 3708 molecular swabs and 4828 rapid antigenic swabs performed on the last day. These are the data from the bulletin issued by the Region on the health emergency. The intensive care units employed today continue to fall, they are 93 against 99 yesterday, since for the first time in a long time they had returned below 100: this had not happened since November 11. The number of people hospitalized continues to decline, but there are still 27 dead.

Below is the detail, referring to the residence of the person examined

IIMPERIA (Asl 1): 34
SAVONA (Asl 2): ​​81
GENOA: 146, of which:
Asl 3: 126
Asl 4:20
LA SPEZIA (Asl 5): 39

Not attributable to residence in Liguria: 14

The number of hospitalized fell by a thousand: 990 compared to 1,011 yesterday. In Genoa there are 283 in San Martino, 23 in Evangelico, 129 in Galliera, 9 in Gaslini, 126 in Villa Scassi. 9528 people in home isolation, compared to 48 fewer yesterday.

the currently positive They are 10,539 and another 314 units are down thanks to the new 803 cured by negative swab or disappearance of symptoms for at least 21 days. On active surveillance 9,252 people, of which 4,016 in Asl 3 and 1,085 in Asl 4.
