The April Decree takes careful form, which, in the government’s intention, will have to trigger and accompany “phase two”, but that the disputes within the majority have changed day by day until it becomes a Decree of May. The Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, has foreshadowed its launch within the next week, also awaiting the European indications on state aid, preparatory to the rules of commitment of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in support of the capital of companies in crisis . Temporary nationalizations for which up to 50 billion would be ready.

In the draft of the Decree Law circulating in the upper floors of the Treasury on Thursday night (currently composed of 44 articles, obviously destined to increase, and which still bears the title “April Decree Law”), it is not actually The CDP mentions, but the next few hours will be decisive for the definition of the article. The other measures are more detailed, even if tensions between the “shareholders” of the majority of the government suggest further adjustments. With probable exclusions and new entry of measures. In particular, on the side, which is currently very scarce, of aid to companies: for example, there was talk of 10 billion in subsidies to support production activities.
Emergency income
“The Rem – reads the draft – is the measure of income support for households as a consequence of the epidemiological emergency of COVID-19” and the corresponding request must be submitted before next July. It amounts to 400 euros per basic month, which amounts to 800 in proportion to the number of family members. The requirements are, in addition to the Italian residence, a monthly income lower than the emergency income itself, a mobile asset of less than 10 thousand euros (up to a maximum of 20 thousand considering the other members of the family), an indicator value of the equivalent economic situation (Isee) less than 15 thousand euros. Emergency income can be added to citizenship income, but not exceeding the Rem limit itself. It can be requested from INPS and presented in the manner established by the Institute and will be paid for three months.
Citizenship income
The income and capital requirements to obtain the Citizenship Income are modified (and expanded), at least according to the draft provision, considered in the access requests submitted from July 1 to October 30: the Isee threshold increases from 9,360 at 10 thousand euros. that of real estate assets from 30 thousand to 50 thousand, that of personal property from 6 thousand euros to 8 thousand.
Social safety nets.
The ordinary dismissal for Covid-19 will be there, for a maximum of 18 weeks, until next October 31 and the family allowances for those who receive it will also be confirmed. It is also contemplated for those in extraordinary dismissals, obviously stipulating the suspension of the latter that will resume at the end of the ordinary. The unemployment layoffs were confirmed until the end of October, again with the Covid-19 reason. Two-month extension for Naspi and Dis-Coll expiring between February 1 and April 30. Those who receive the different social safety nets or emergency and citizenship income can work in agriculture for a maximum of 60 days, with a maximum salary of 2,000 euros to be added to other income. The moratorium on “dismissals for justified objective reasons” was extended from two to five months.
The subsidies
“The subjects and beneficiaries for the month of March of the compensation of 600 euros – read the draft – are also paid for the month of April 2020.” An indemnity of 1000 euros will be awarded to independent workers who are registered for VAT, registered in the separate Administration, who have suffered a reduction of at least 33% of income during the last two months of 2020. Same figure for workers with coordinated and continuous collaborative relationships that have interruptedThe employment relationship. Self-employed workers registered in the special management of the needle (compulsory general insurance) and who have stopped receiving Covid-19The business or has suffered a cut of at least 33% of the turnover in the second period of two months 2020, 1000 euros. Subsidies and bonuses also for temporary workers in tourism, spas, entertainment businesses, sports and home sales, for intermittent workers. Subsidies between 400 and 600 in April and May, finally, for domestic workers.

Bonuses, deductions and permits.
The bonus for babysitting expenses increases from 600 to 1,200 euros and extends to territorial educational services, recreation centers and early childhood services. For doctors, nurses and health workers, the bonus increases from 1,000 to 2,000 euros. Another 12 days of paid leave allowed in May, while the special leave, at 50% of the remuneration for parents with children under 12 years of age (maximum of 30 days), extends throughout September. Limited to this year, the deduction of expenses for summer camps for children under 16 has been introduced (up to € 300 and income below € 36 thousand). In addition, all certificates, certificates, permits and housing concessions that expire between January 31 and last April 15, remain valid until June 15.
It is the most incomplete side of the draft decree. In addition to the moratorium on increasing the contribution for fixed-term contracts renewed before August 31, there is a “Training Fund” that should accompany the gradual resumption of work: in particular, with territorial and company agreements between the social partners, he favored the “remodeling of working hours due to the changing organizational and production needs of the company, ending part of the working hours in training courses”. The cost will be borne by Anpal’s new skills fund, with an initial endowment of 230 million.
Third sector
Inail and Invitalia’s resources for individual security devices used in companies also extend to those in the third sector. But the measures provided for in the draft decree in favor of the non-profit sector do not stop here: a 130 million increase in the “Third Sector Fund”, a 50% tax credit (up to a maximum of 20 thousand euros) for the costs of disinfecting the buildings and suspension of the rent until May 31.
The controls
In view of the large number of controls on safety regulations in the post-Covid world of work, the decree, in its provisional draft, provides for the strengthening of the staff of the “Simplified National Inspection” through competitions “with simplified procedures” . Exceptionally, the Minister of Labor will also make direct use of the Carabineros Command for Labor Protection. Finally, the INPS balance has been reproached.

Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri
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