BOLZANO. In the last 24 hours, the laboratories of the health company made 1,853 swabs and registered 375 new positive cases.
At the provincial level to date (November 10) there have been a total of 260,395 tampons are 132,488 people.
Sadly yesterday Another 5 people died. Since the beginning of the pandemic in South Tyrol i deceased they were completely 350.
People admitted Hospital am 331 (+11 compared to yesterday). In intensive care, instead, they stand out 37 patients with Covid (-4 compared to yesterday), while 96 beds are occupied in private clinics (+5 compared to yesterday)
The numbers in brief:
Swabs made yesterday (November 9): 1,853
New positive cases: 375
Number of people who tested positive by PCR for coronavirus: 14,084
Total number of swabs performed: 260,395
Number of people subjected to the PCR test: 132,488 (+792)
Covid-19 patients admitted to normality hospital rooms: 331
Covid-19 patients admitted to the Private facilities with agreements: 96
Patients with Covid-19 in isolation in the facilities of Colle Isarco and Sarnes: 113 (91 in Colle Isarco and 22 in Sarnes)
Number of Covid patients admitted to wards intensive care: 37
Deceased total (including nursing homes): 350 (+5)
People in isolation at home: 8,144 (of which 16 return from Croatia, Greece, Spain or Malta)
People who have concluded quarantine and home isolation: 35,880 (of which 1,544 return from Croatia, Greece, Spain or Malta)
People who have so far been imposed mandatory quarantine or isolation measures: 44,124
People healed: 5,071 (+121) To these are added 1,072 (+9) people who had an uncertain or unclear test result and then tested negative. Total: 6,143 (+130)
Positive positive test Collaborators of the Healthcare Company: 368, 231 recovered
Positive general practitioners and free-choice pediatricians: 21 (15 recovered)