Coronavirus in South Tyrol, 131 positives and one death. Hospitalizations are falling – Chronicle


BOLZANO. In the last 24 hours, the laboratories of the health company made 2,259 swabs, for 538 new people analyzed. 131 new positive cases were registered.

At the provincial level to date (December 23) a total of 350,170 swabs of 159,457 have been made people.

3,527 antigen tests were performed yesterday, of which 148 were positive.

One death reported in the ASL report.

Regarding hospitalizations, 170 in hospital wards (-6 compared to yesterday) and 19 in intensive care (-4).

The numbers in brief:

PCR test:

Swabs made yesterday (December 22): 2,259

New cases that tested positive by PCR: 131

Number of people who tested positive by PCR for coronavirus: 28,398

Total number of swabs performed: 350,170

Number of people subjected to the PCR test: 159,457 (+538)

Antigenic test:

antigenic tests performed yesterday: 3,527

Number of people who tested positive for antigens: 148

Other data:

Covid-19 patients admitted to normality hospital rooms: 170

Covid-19 patients admitted to the Private facilities with agreements: 133 (at 22.12.)

Patients with Covid-19 in isolation at the facilities of Colle Isarco and Sarnes: 50 (43 in Colle Isarco and 7 in Sarnes)

Number of Covid patients admitted to wards intensive care: 19

Deceased total (including nursing homes): 699 (+1)

People in isolation at home: 6,104

People who have completed quarantine and home isolation: 64,036

People who have so far been imposed mandatory quarantine or isolation measures: 70,140

Healed people of PCR 16,990 (+267). To these are added 1495 (+4) people who underwent a test with an uncertain or unclear result and who subsequently came back negative; also people recovered from the epidemiological investigation: 6,325 (+38).

Collaborators / collaborators of the Healthcare Company positive to the test: 1,218, of these 780 recovered. General practitioners and pediatricians of free choice: 37, of these 26 recovered (as of 05.12.)
