Coronavirus in Ravenna: 89 cases with 1,300 swabs. Below 100 after several days. 111 cures. 4 deaths: 2 women and 2 men



In the provincial territory of Ravenna 89 cases have been registered today (after several days the cases return below 100): there are 51 men and 38 women; 80 asymptomatic and 9 with symptoms; 85 in home isolation and 4 hospitalized. In detail: 75 from contact tracing; 5 for symptoms; 9 for private tests. The swabs performed were 1,300: 6.8 positive swabs per 100. Today the Region reported 4 deaths: They are 2 women aged 84 and 91 and 2 men aged 81 and 90. 111 cures were reported. The total number of cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area is therefore 9,374. This is the distribution of yesterday’s data in the municipalities:

  • 3,808 in the municipality of Ravenna (+58)
  • 1,560 Faenza (+ 5)
  • 845 Lugo (+6)
  • 562 Cervia (+6)
  • 338 Bagnacavallo (+ 4)
  • 298 Alfonsine (+ 3)
  • 226 Russians (+1)
  • 223 Castel Bolognese (+ 1)
  • 208 Massa Lombarda (+ 2)
  • 179 Cotignola (+1)
  • 162 Conselice
  • 156 Brisighella
  • 140 Fusignano
  • 93 Solarolo
  • 88 Riolo Terme
  • 71 Sant’Agata sul Santerno
  • 46 Bagnara
  • 20 Casola Valsenio
  • 351 residents outside the province of Ravenna (+ 2)


In Emilia-Romagna today there are 1,624 new cases of positivity, with more than 16,500 swabs and with an average of 9.8 positive swabs per 100, an average much lower than that registered yesterday (The positive cases yesterday were 1,891, with 9,900 swabs and with a ratio of 19 positive swabs per 100). Of the new positives, 825 asymptomatic patients were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The average age of positives today is 46.3 years. Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, so far 137,270 cases of positivity have been registered in Emilia-Romagna.

ACTIVE COVID CASESThe active cases to date are 66,522 (- 2,954 the day before). The figure has fallen sharply again and this is good news.

PEOPLE IN HOME ISOLATIONTo date there are 63,507 (-2,925 compared to yesterday).

PEOPLE IN INTENSIVE CARE There are 234 patients in intensive care throughout the region (- 5), and they are distributed as follows: 13 to Piacenza (no changes of Yesterday), 15 to Parma (+2), 32 to Reggio emilia (+2 of Yesterday), 55 to Modena (+1), 52 to Bologna (-11 compared to Yesterday), 8 a Imola (+1), 18 a Ferrara (+1), 14 a Ravenna (+1), 6 a Forlì (no change), 2 years Cesena (no change) and 19 a Rimini (-2 compared to Yesterday).

PERSONS HOSPITALIZED IN COVID DEPARTMENTSThe patients admitted to the Covid wards are currently 2,781 (- 24).

THE HEALEDThe total number of people healed since the start of the pandemic increased to 64,480 (+ 4,529). This fact is very comforting: today the healed are three times the new positives.

DEATHUnfortunately, there are 49 new deaths.: 3 to Bologna (2 women, one of whom is 94 and the other 85), 4 years Ravenna (2 women of which one is 84 and one is 91 years old and 2 men are respectively 81 and 90 years old), 13 years Modena (9 men including one 74, one 77, one 78, one 80, one 82, one 86, one 87, one 88, one 96 and 4 women of which one 76, one 79, 86 and one 91 years), 6 to Rimini (3 women, one of 83, one of 88 and one of 94 and 3 men of 58, 69 and 85 years old), 3 to Piacenza (1 93-year-old woman and two 59 and 89-year-old men respectively), 3 years Reggio emilia (3 men of which one is 82, one 78 and one 95), 3 years Parma (2 men of 77 and 88 years old and 1 woman of 89 years old), 8 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (4 women of which one of 76, one of 93, one of 96 and one of 98 and 4 men of 75, 82, 85 and 90) and 6 to Ferrara (5 men including one 76, one 68, one 81, one 83, and one 90, and one 87-year-old woman). In total, 6,268 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic.

CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 30,844 in Bologna and Imola (+ 563, of which 263 symptomatic)
  • 25,260 to Modena (+ 351, of which 212 symptomatic)
  • 19,474 in Reggio Emilia (+ 177, of which 84 symptomatic)
  • 13,345 in Piacenza (+ 46, of which 18 symptomatic)
  • 11,501 in Rimini (+ 138, of which 86 symptomatic)
  • 11,260 to Parma (+40, of which 28 symptomatic)
  • 9,374 to Ravenna (+ 89, of which 9 symptomatic)
  • 6,873 to Ferrara (+ 112, of which 19 symptomatic)
  • 4,896 in Forlì (+ 28, of which 19 symptomatic)
  • 4,443 in Cesena (+80, of which 61 symptomatic)
