In the provincial territory of Ravenna they were registered today 268 almost: there are 131 men and 137 women; 101 asymptomatic and 167 with symptoms; 266 in home isolation and 2 hospitalized. In detail: 140 from contact tracing; 95 for symptoms; 33 for voluntary testing. The swabs performed were 2267 for an average of 11.9 positive swabs per 100. Today the Region has communicated 2 deaths: two women aged 86 and 90. Since the start of the pandemic in Ravenna, 816 people have died from causes related to Covid. 55 cures were also reported. The cases as a whole diagnosed from the beginning of the infection in Ravenna there are 20,903. Data on distribution in the territory:
- 80 cases in Faenza
- 68 to Ravenna
- 28 in Cervia
- 17 Lugo
- 11 Bagnacavallo
- 9 Solarolo
- 8 Massa Lombarda
- 7 Alfonsine
- 6 Brisighella
- 6 castel Bolognese
- 5 Casola Valsenio
- 5 Conselice
- 5 russians
- 4 Fusignano
- 4 outside the province
- 3 Riolo Terme
- 2 Cotignola
From a total of more than 42,000 tampons made in the last 24 hours, there are 3,246 the cases of positivity registered in Emilia Romagna. The percentage of new positives of the number of swabs made by Yesterday is 7.6%. Since the beginning of the epidemic of Coronavirus, in Emilia romagna Y 273,376 positive cases are registered. The mean age of new positives from today He is 41.5 years old.
ACTIVE COVID CASES – Active cases, that is, actual patients, to date are 50,314 (+ 2,211 compared to yesterday).
PEOPLE IN HOME ISOLATION – People isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or do not have symptoms, are generally 47.385 (+ 2.136).
PEOPLE IN INTENSIVE CARE – There are 266 patients admitted to intensive care (+ 7 compared to yesterday; these numbers are increasing every day) distributed as follows: 9 in Piacenza (no change compared to Yesterday), 17 in Parma (+2), 22 in Reggio Emilia (no change), 55 in Modena (+4), 77 in Bologna (+5), 21 in Imola (-3), 25 in Ferrara (no change) , 9 in Ravenna (+1), 6 in Forlì (no change), 7 in Cesena (no change) and 18 in Rimini (-2).
PEOPLE IN COVID DEPARTMENTS – Patients admitted to other Covid rooms they are 2,663 (+68, these numbers are also constantly growing).
THE HEALED – People were cured in general, that’s 989 more that yesterday and they arrive fee 212.341.
I VACCINATI – At 4 p.m. a total of almost 450,000 doses were administered; almost 150,000 people have completed the vaccination cycle.
DEATH – Unfortunately, they are logged 46 new deaths: 25 in the province of Bologna (9 women, 4 of them in the Imola area, 67, 74 years old, 2 77 years old, 2 81 years old, one 83, 92 and 93 years old and 16 men, one in the Imola area, 71, 73, 74, 76, 80, 2 of 82, 84, 87, 88, and two of 92 years), 5 in the province of Parma (3 women, 2 of 79 and 1 of 91, 2 men of 82 and 93), 4 in the province of Ferrara (4 men of 71, 79, 87 and 93 years old), 3 in the province of Rimini (3 men 52, 81 and 90 years old), 2 in the province of Modena (2 women of 78 and 80 years old), 2 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (2 men aged 85 and 90), 2 in the province of Reggio emilia (2 men aged 74 and 87 years), and 2 in the province of Ravenna (two women of 86 and 90 years old). No deaths are registered in the province of Piacenza. Death refers to a person who does not reside in Emilia-Romagna. In total, there have been 10,721 deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic.
CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:
- 66,377 to Bologna and Imola (+ 867)
- 47,702 to Modena (+ 701)
- 34,538 to Reggio emilia (+ 328)
- 25,864 to Rimini (+ 268, of which 156 symptomatic)
- 20,903 in Ravenna (+ 268, of which 167 are symptomatic)
- 20,316 to Piacenza (+77)
- 18,647 to Parma (+ 234)
- 15,755 a Ferrara (+ 192)
- 12,842 a Cesena (+ 168, of which 115 symptomatic)
- 10,432 to Forlì (+ 143, of which 101 symptomatic)