Coronavirus in Ravenna: 158 cases, 97 symptomatic, 7 new hospitalizations, sadly another 2 deaths, a 95-year-old man and an 83-year-old woman



In the province of Ravenna, 158 cases have been registered today: there are 79 men and the same number of women; 61 asymptomatic and 97 with symptoms; 151 in home isolation and 7 hospitalized. In detail: 85 from contact tracing; 65 for symptoms; 4 for private tests and 4 for inpatient tests. The Region has also canceled a case reported in recent days by double mistake. Today The Region reported 2 deaths: a 95-year-old patient and an 83-year-old woman. There are also 16 complete recoveries. General cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area, updated on the morning of today, are therefore 6,073. With regard to the distribution in the territory, the subdivision is as follows:

  • 2,292 in the municipality of Ravenna (+ 57)
  • 1,118 Faenza (+24)
  • 571 Lugo (+ 8)
  • 383 Cervia (+11)
  • 209 Bagnacavallo (+18)
  • 186 Alfonsine (+ 3)
  • 175 Russians (+ 5)
  • 161 Bolognese castel (+ 1)
  • 111 Cotignola (+ 4)
  • 111 Massa Lombarda (+ 5)
  • 108 Brisighella (+ 4)
  • 95 Conselice
  • 90 Fusignan (+ 2)
  • 69 Riolo Terme (+ 2)
  • 67 Solarolo
  • 52 Sant’Agata sul Santerno (+ 3)
  • 24 Bagnara
  • 14 Casola Valsenio (+1)
  • 237 residents outside the province of Ravenna (+ 9)

So far 3,071 positive cases have been registered in November. In all the previous months, around 3,000 were registered.


In Emilia-Romagna, 2,533 new cases of positivity were registered today, with more than 22,300 swabs with an average of 11.3 positive swabs per 100, a proportion almost identical to that registered yesterday (The positive cases yesterday were 2,160, with 19,000 swabs and a ratio of 11.4 positive swabs per 100). Of the new positives, 1,036 asymptomatic patients were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The average age of the positives today is 45.8 years.

THE RT INDEX – The Rt index fell to 1.14, the fourth consecutive week of decline. The infection transmission rate (Rt) in Emilia-Romagna drops to 1.14. It is the fourth consecutive decrease, after those of the previous three weeks (respectively: 1.63, 1.57, 1.4).

ORANGE BAND AND THEN? – On Facebook live from Ferrara Regional Health Councilor Raffaele Donini spoke about the future scenario. Taking into account the saturation level of Covid departments (currently 46%), taking into account the saturation level of intensive care (now 35%) and the progressive decrease in the transmission rate of RT infection Donini hypothesized that at the end of the two weeks in the orange band, the Emilia-Romagna Region could return to the yellow band.. Of course, the important thing is that people continue to behave responsibly.

ACTIVE COVID CASESActive cases to date are 62,934 (+ 1,928 the day before).

PEOPLE IN DOMESTIC ISOLATIONTo date there are 60,156 (+ 1,883 compared to yesterday).

PEOPLE IN INTENSIVE CARE There are 244 patients in intensive care throughout the region (as yesterday), and they are distributed as follows: 13 in Piacenza (+1 compared to Yesterday), 14 in Parma (unchanged from Yesterday), 29 in Reggio Emilia (+1), 61 in Modena (+1), 63 in Bologna (no change), 5 in Imola (no change), 17 in Ferrara (-3), 12 in Ravenna (+1) , 6 in Forlì (no change), 1 in Cesena (no change) and 23 in Rimini (-1).

PEOPLE HOSPITALIZED IN COVID DEPARTMENTSThe patients admitted to the Covid wards are currently 2,534 (+ 45).

THE HEALEDThe total number of people healed since the beginning of the pandemic increased to 32,145 (+ 558).

DEATHUnfortunately, there are 47 new deaths: 13 in the province of Reggio Emilia (7 men of 72, 73 and the rest respectively 75, 80, 85, 88 and 92 years and 6 women of 74, two of 82, 88, 92, 95 years), 10 to Modena (8 men of 68, 74, 77, 78, two of 79, 92, 95 and 2 women of 74 and 79 years), 2 to Ravenna (1 83-year-old woman and 95-year-old man), 2 in Piacenza (2 men 100 and 70 years old), a death in the province of Forlì Cesena(an 89-year-old woman), 12 in Rimini (6 women of 77, 84, 93, two of 94, 99 and 6 men of 58, 79, 84, 85 years and two of 89 years), 3 to Parma (3 men from 73, 85, 86), 3 to Ferrara (3 women of 77, 86, 96 years old), nobody in Bologna. An 85-year-old man who died in Modena resided outside the Region. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, there have been a total of 5,265 deaths in Emilia-Romagna.

CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 22,478 in Bologna and Imola (+ 614, of which 377 symptomatic)
  • 18.109 to Modena (+ 625, of which 452 symptomatic)
  • 14,706 in Reggio Emilia (+ 363, of which 270 symptomatic)
  • 10,763 in Piacenza (+309, of which 74 symptomatic)
  • 8,719 to Parma (+ 125, of which 77 symptomatic)
  • 7,797 in Rimini (+ 109, of which 46 symptomatic)
  • 6,073 to Ravenna (+ 158, of which 97 symptomatic)
  • 4,858 to Ferrara (+ 101, of which 17 symptomatic)
  • 3,729 in Forlì (+61, of which 40 symptomatic)
  • 3,112 in Cesena (+68, of which 47 symptomatic)
