Coronavirus in Ravenna: 138 cases of which 35 are symptomatic. Unfortunately 10 deaths: 5 women and 5 men



For the province of Ravenna, 138 cases have been registered today: there are 57 men and 81 women; 103 asymptomatic and 35 with symptoms; 126 in home isolation and 12 hospitalized. In detail: 113 contact tracing; 16 for symptoms; 5 for private tests; 2 to return from Albania and 2 for category tests. The swabs performed were 961. Today the Region reported 10 deaths: 5 women of 77, 81, 93, 95 and 100 years old and 5 men of 51, 61, 68, 91 and 106 years old. 3 cures were also reported. The total number of cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area is therefore 9,702.

Regarding the distribution in the territory, the residences of the cases that have arisen today are shown below. Over time it has emerged that the attribution of positives to the municipality of residence may, in a limited number of cases, be subject to subsequent changes (for example, assigning domicile instead of residence, or in particular for users outside the province); the report sent weekly is, therefore, more appropriate and precise in this regard, and that it may contain “realignments” with respect to the cases reported daily. This is the distribution of today’s data:

  • 57 cases in Faenza
  • 28 to Ravenna
  • 10 Alfonsine
  • 6 Lugo
  • 6 Massa Lombarda
  • 5 Conselice
  • 4 castel Bolognese
  • 4 Fusignano
  • 4 Russians
  • 3 Bagnacavallo
  • 2 Cervia
  • 1 brisighella
  • 1 cotignola
  • 1 Sant’agata sul Santerno
  • 6 residents outside the province of Ravenna
  • 0 cases in Bagnara di Romagna, Casola Valsenio, Riolo Terme, Solarolo


In Emilia-Romagna there are today 1,453 new cases of positivity, with 17,556 swabs and with an average of 8.2 positive swabs per 100, an average lower than that registered yesterday (10.3%). They are new positives 724 asymptomatic persons identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The average age of positives today is 46 years. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, 139,800 cases of positivity have so far been recorded in Emilia-Romagna.

ACTIVE COVID CASESActive cases to date are 64,717 (-1,125 the day before).

PEOPLE IN DOMESTIC ISOLATIONTo date there are 61,643 (-1,109 compared to yesterday).

PEOPLE IN INTENSIVE CARE There are 229 patients in intensive care throughout the region (-4), and are distributed as follows: 13 in Piacenza (-1 compared to yesterday), 18 in Parma (+3), 27 in Reggio Emilia (-4), 53 in Modena (-1), 51 in Bologna (- 2), 8 in Imola (number unchanged compared to yesterday), 18 in Ferrara (unchanged), 14 in Ravenna (+2), 5 in Forlì (-1), 2 in Cesena (no change) and 20 in Rimini (without changes).

THE HEALEDThe total number of people healed since the beginning of the pandemic increased to 68,697 (+2,506). After about a month, the total number of people cured is again greater than that of active cases, real patients.

DEATHUnfortunately, there are 72 new deaths: 3rd Piacenza (two women of 83 and 89 years old respectively and a man of 70 years); 3 in the province of Parma (2 women – 86 years and 100 years – and a man of 92 years), 11 in the province of Reggio emilia (6 women, of whom two are 85 years old, one 86, one 87 and two 92 years old, one of whom died in Modena but resides in the province of Reggio Emilia and 5 men are 72, 77, 80, 81 and 87 years); 7 in Modenese (3 women – 71.78, 82 – and 4 men – 58, 83, 86 and 94); 20 in the province of Bologna (12 women, 65,79,81,82 years old and one 84, died in Imola; the others are respectively 86 years old, two 89 years old, two 92 years old, one 96 years old and one 97 years old; and 8 men: one 65 years, one of 74, two of 85, two of 89, one of whom died in Imola, one of 91 years and one of 94 years). 8 deaths were in Ferrara (7 women respectively of 87, 91, two of 92, two of 93, one of 95 and one man, also 95 years old); 10 in the province of Ravenna (5 women – 77, 81.93, 95 and 100 years old – and 5 men, respectively 51,61,68, 91 and one 106 years old); a woman a Forlì-Cesena (precisely in the Forlì area); 8 in Rimini: 4 women, two of which 77, one 92 and the other 93; and 4 men of 76,86,88 and 93 years. There is also the death of a 79-year-old man who died outside the region. In total, 6,386 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic.

CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 13,461 in Piacenza (+66 compared to yesterday, of which 43 symptomatic),
  • 11,390 in Parma (+54, of which 31 symptomatic),
  • 19,800 in Reggio Emilia (+155, of which 71 are symptomatic),
  • 25,639 Modena (+283, of which 188 symptomatic),
  • 27,270 in Bologna (+301, of which 150 symptomatic),
  • 4,244 cases in Imola (+55, of which 15 symptomatic),
  • 7,015 in Ferrara (+94, of which 26 symptomatic),
  • 9,702 in Ravenna (+138, of which 35 symptomatic),
  • 4,964 in Forlì (+38, of which 25 symptomatic),
  • 4,552 in Cesena (+87, of which 56 symptomatic)
  • 11,763 in Rimini (+182, of which 89 symptomatic)
