Coronavirus in Ravenna: 130 cases, 5 hospitalizations, 36 cures. Two other deaths, two men aged 84 and 93



In the provincial territory of Ravenna today Yes I am 130 registered cases: there are 61 men and 69 women; 87 asymptomatic and 43 with symptoms; 125 in home isolation and 5 hospitalized. In detail: 64 from contact tracing; 23 for symptoms; 5 for proof of hospitalization; 11 for category tests; 26 for voluntary swabbing and 1 for return from abroad (France). Today the Region reported 2 deaths of two men aged 84 and 93. They happened today 36 complete cures (in this sense, it should be noted that in recent days this figure has suffered difficulties in reporting after the overload of services). General cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area, updated on the morning of todayTherefore, there are 4,653. Regarding the distribution in the territory, the division is as follows:

  • 1,743 in the municipality of Ravenna (+52)
  • 844 Faenza (+22)
  • 457 Lugo (+19)
  • 294 Cervia (+ 3)
  • 157 Alfonsine (+1)
  • 157 Bagnacavallo (+1)
  • 136 Russians (+ 2)
  • 121 castel Bolognese (+ 7)
  • 85 Conselice (+ 9)
  • 84 Cotignola (+ 2)
  • 81 Brisighella (+1)
  • 78 Massa Lombarda
  • 72 Fusignano
  • 50 Solarolo (+1)
  • 49 Riolo Terme (+ 3)
  • 35 Sant’Agata sul Santerno (+ 3)
  • 15 Bagnara
  • 10 Casola Valsenio
  • 185 residents outside the province of Ravenna (+ 4)


In Emilia-Romagna, 2,402 new cases of positivity were registered today, with more than 20,300 swabs with an average of 11.8 positive swabs per 100, the same level as yesterday (Positive cases were 2,428 yesterday with about 20,600 swabs). Of the new positives, 1,264 asymptomatic patients were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The average age of the positives today is 43.8 years.

ACTIVE COVID CASESThe active cases to date are 46,024 (+ 2,134 the day before).

PEOPLE IN HOME ISOLATIONTo date there are 43,702 (+ 2,106 compared to yesterday).

PEOPLE IN INTENSIVE CARE There are 228 patients in intensive care throughout the region (+ 6), and they are distributed as follows: 13 in Piacenza (+1 compared to Yesterday), 18 to Parma (+1), 21 in Reggio Emilia (+1), 48 to Modena (+3), 67 in Bologna (+2), 7 in Imola(+1), 15 to Ferrara (unchanged), 12 to Ravenna (-1), 7 in Forlì (+1), 2 in Cesena (-3) e 18 in Rimini (unchanged).

PERSONS HOSPITALIZED IN COVID DEPARTMENTSThe patients admitted to the Covid wards are currently 2,094 (+ 22).

THE HEALEDThe total number of people healed since the beginning of the pandemic increased to 29,734 (+ 219).

DEATHUnfortunately, there are 49 new deaths: 26 in Bologna (11 men from 63, 69, 71, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 94 and 101 years, 2 men of 74 years, 2 of 75 years, 2 of 78 years and 2 of 83 years, 5 women of 69, 80, 90, 91 and 94 years and two women 83 years), 13 to Modena (7 men from 43, 65, 72, 78, 83, 85 and 90, 2 men of 82 years and 4 women of 85, 93, 94 and 96), 3 to Ferrara (2 men of 82 and 88 years old and a woman of 87), 2 to Ravenna (2 men 84 and 93 years old), 2 to Parma (2 men aged 64 and 86), one in cesena (an 81-year-old man), one in Rimini (a 72-year-old man), one in Piacenza (a 79-year-old woman). Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, there have been a total of 4,925 deaths in Emilia-Romagna.

CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 17,835 in Bologna and Imola (+ 622, of which 247 symptomatic)
  • 13,713 to Modena (+ 551, of which 259 symptomatic)
  • 12,096 in Reggio Emilia (+ 269, of which 180 symptomatic)
  • 8,971 in Piacenza (+ 206, of which 89 symptomatic)
  • 7,514 to Parma (+ 175, of which 104 symptomatic)
  • 6,369 in Rimini (+ 172, of which 86 symptomatic)
  • 4,653 to Ravenna (+ 130, of which 43 symptomatic)
  • 3,888 to Ferrara (+ 118, of which 19 symptomatic)
  • 3,157 in Forlì (+ 70, of which 55 symptomatic)
  • 2,488 in Cesena (+ 89, of which 56 symptomatic)


Regarding the reports that are emerging these days about the timing for the execution and reporting of swabs for Covid and some consequent controversies, the Department of Public Health highlights the following.

The number of tampons made in Romagna has tripled in recent months, which is currently around thirty thousand per week, with peaks of more than six thousand swabs processed per day, after the very significant increase in cases to be verified. This strong increase, together with the difficulty, at times, of finding the necessary reagents to perform the analyzes, has led to a slowdown in swab collection and processing times, which is in no way attributable to “financial problems” or “cuts”, which were not. “

“On the contrary, the Company has invested and continues to invest resources to improve service. It is enough to think, in addition to the aforementioned increase in tampons, the hiring of additional health personnel and technical assistance for specific needs related to the epidemiological emergency; till the date More than 1,240 operators are present in the company (including more than 100 doctors) with work contracts activated for the covid emergency. Several of these contracts, which were due to expire at the end of the year, have been extended for 36 months. Faced with this effort, the Company faces a shortage of doctors and operators in the labor market, which makes it difficult to locate them, certainly not due to corporate responsibility, so much so that there is maximum attention to identifying professionals as soon as possible. possible. they complete the necessary training to hire them. “

“Having duly clarified this frame of reference, the Department moves by priority, privileging the swabs necessary for screening (that is, the close contacts of positive people emerging from epidemiological investigations) and symptomatic people. This with the clear objective of limiting the spread of the pathology, while fully understanding the discomfort of those who see the “negativization” pad that is needed to declare themselves cured delayed a few days “.

In addition to this, in collaboration with the Pievesestina Laboratory, a differentiation is being prepared between “classic” molecular swabs, to be used for screening and positives, and faster antigenic swabs, to be used in screening campaigns. that are carried out periodically (in health personnel, facilities for the elderly, police forces …), and for negativization swabs This should reduce reporting times. In addition, to increase the capacity to “collect” swabs, a collaboration with the Army is being activated which will lead to the opening of a third unit in Riccione in the coming days. Finally, there are already agreements with individuals that have led to the processing, for their part, of 500 additional swabs per day, and in a few days new agreements will allow the processing of another 2,000. “

On the specific issue of schools, ASL Romagna specifies that “the most rigorous protocols are applied aimed at balancing the right to health with that of education and socialization of young people in the most balanced way possible. Just think, responding with this also to the regional councilor Andrea Liverani, that since September 1 more than 19,500 swabs have been made for schools. In addition, always for the protection of children and their families, the Emilia Romagna Region has activated the possibility, for students of all levels and for their families, to carry out serological tests in pharmacies, in addition to having the selection of the school personnel before the start of the teaching activity “.


ASL Romagna provides some data related to the week of November 2 to 8 (specifying that these are the cases of residents diagnosed in the Romagna area). During the reference week, 2,851 positivity out of a total of 29,431 swabs were produced, with an incidence of 9.7% which, although increasing compared to the previous week, is still even lower than the national incidence (slide 4). In the last week, this figure has seen an increase in all territories, with Rimini and Ravenna still with figures higher than Forlì and Cesena. Significant differences also with respect to the indicator of positivity in the resident population (slide 6) as well as in the percentages of asymptomatic patients (slide 7). It is also good to note that among the new positivities in the reference week a significant number was found in guests of nursing homes (especially in the Ravenna area), that is, in confinement situations, and with patients who were in fact already isolated at the time of diagnosis. Regarding the occupation of the beds, in the reference week there was an increase, in this case homogeneous between the different territories, of patients in hospital wards and also of those admitted to intensive care, both in absolute value and in percentage with respect to the total number of hospitalized patients (plus 1 percent – slide 12).

“How to explain Yesterday, although the increase in patients in the Romaña area is more contained than the national average, and although the percentage of asymptomatic patients is 44 percent (1 percentage point more than the previous week), the increase in the number of patients led to activate the measures provided for in the third level of our dynamic Covid Plan – reaffirms Ausl Romagna Medical Director Mattia Altini -. We must be clear: we are not in a position to not be able to hospitalize patients: in Romagna hospitals the total number of beds is obviously higher than the 529 dedicated to covid reported in the plan for the red level, but going further would mean in Consequently, limiting the rest of the extra-covid health activities, obviously for non-urgent services, but always with a potential risk to the general health of the population and with the social consequences that this may represent. This is a challenge that we face, but that we can only overcome if all the members of our communities help us, always maintaining correct behavior and implementing the well-known guidelines. At this moment it is more important than ever ”.

