Intensive care alert, ten regions at risk. Boccia and Arcuri against the governors
There are 313 cases of covid-19 infection compared to the 5,582 swabs made, according to data published by the Region on the coronavirus in the October 16 bulletin. Those infected are divided as follows: 162 in the province of Bari, 8 in the province of Brindisi, 40 in the province of Bat, 45 in the province of Foggia, 5 in the province of Lecce, 52 in the province of Taranto , 1 province of unknown residence.
The 5 new deaths (2 in the province of Bari, 1 in the province of Foggia, 1 in the province of Lecce, 1 in the province of Taranto) bring the total to 630, while the total cured amounts to 5,431, 44 more that yesterday. With these figures, the positives currently (total of cases less deaths and cured) reach 4,673, of which 352 are hospitalized.
The Puglia Rt, the infection reproducibility rate calculated on symptomatic cases, is still above the warning threshold of 1, according to the weekly report from the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health. Specifically, that of our region is 1.14 (average between the confidence intervals 0.82-1.78), similar to the national one of 1.17. According to the follow-up chart that shows the cases detected on the timeline with one color on the date of diagnosis and another on the date of onset of symptoms, there appears to be an increase in the signs of covid-19 between the end of September. and early October.The ISS report graph
“Probably many of the cases reported this week contracted the infection at the end of September. – writes the ISS in the national data – Some of the cases identified through screening, however, may have contracted the infection in earlier periods”.
The percentage of new cases that were detected through contact tracing activities continues to decline (28.8% of new cases compared to 31.8% the previous week). The percentage of new cases detected through screening activities also decreased (31.1% vs 33.2%) On the other hand, the percentage of cases detected due to the appearance of symptoms increased (31.6% vs 29.1% last year week) “. And the spread of the transmission of infections in schools, the ministry and the institute continues”, in general a limited transmission dynamics is maintained: 3.8% of all new outbreaks in which the transmission context was reported . However, extracurricular activities can be a trigger for chains of transmission if the planned prevention measures are not respected. ”Ultimately, activities outside of schools are of greatest concern.