Coronavirus in Piedmont | the newsletter for wednesday, october 21


Today, Wednesday, October 21, 2020, there are 1,799 more cases of people positive for coronavirus than yesterday. Among them there are 967 asymptomatic patients, equivalent to 54% of the total. The contagion index rose to 13.2%, yesterday it was 10.7%.

The cases of people who have tested positive for Covid-19 in Piedmont so far amount to 48,118, divided as follows by provinces: 5,228 Alessandria, 2,555 Asti, 1,545 Biella, 5,429 Cuneo, 4,308 Novara, 24,856 Turin, 1,990 Vercelli, 1,439 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 371 residents outside the region, but in charge of Piedmontese health structures. The remaining 397 cases are in the process of development and territorial allocation.

Compared to yesterday, the number of hospitalized in intensive care has increased (74 people in total, 12 more) and the number of hospitalized not in intensive care has increased (1,111 people in total, 74 more). There are 12,250 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 895,399 (plus 13,621) of which 481,163 were negative.

The Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region reported seven deaths of people positive to the Covid-19 test in the afternoon. One of these occurred today. Please note that the updated cumulative data reported daily also includes deaths that occurred in the previous days and were only subsequently determined as Covid deaths. The total is 4,216 deaths who have tested positive for the virus since the beginning of the epidemic.

Today, the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region announced that 29,613 virologically cured patients (more than 171 compared to yesterday), while another 854 are “on the mend”.

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Municipalities and the number of contagion cases: the map

Turin and Novara in Piedmont are the municipalities with the highest number of people currently positive for the covid-19 test. Settimo Torinese, Collegno, Rivoli, Chieri, Vinovo, Nichelino and Moncalieri are the municipalities of Turin with more than 100 positive residents for covid-19.
In this link all the data, municipality by municipality

Coronavirus in Italy, today’s newsletter: data from the regions and outbreak map
