Coronavirus in Piedmont | The newsletter for Friday, October 9


Today, Friday, October 9, 2020, there are 401 more cases of people positive for coronavirus than yesterday. Among them there are 267 asymptomatic. Thus, the cases of people who have so far tested positive for Covid-19 in Piedmont amount to 37,595, divided as follows by provinces: 4,523 Alessandria, 2,065 Asti, 1,232 Biella, 3,812 Cuneo, 3,607 Novara, 18,803 Turin, 1,729 Vercelli , 1,242 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 312 residents outside the region, but in charge of Piedmont health structures. The 270 remaining cases are being processed and assigned territorially.

Compared to yesterday, the number of hospitalized in intensive care increases (22 people in total, 6 more) and the number of hospitalized who are not in intensive care increases (today there are 345, 34 more). There are 3,943 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 777,967 of which 424,728 were negative.

In the afternoon, the Crisis Unit of the Region did not report the death of a person positive in the Covid-19 test. The total is 4,172 deaths who have tested positive for the virus since the beginning of the epidemic.

Today the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region announced that there are 28,618 virologically cured patients, that is, negative to the two tests at the end of the disease (more than 69 compared to yesterday), while another 495 are “in recovery” , that is, negative on the first test swab, after illness and awaiting the result of the second.

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