Today, Sunday, October 11, 2020, there are 409 more people positive for the coronavirus than yesterday. Of these, 250 asymptomatic; of the 409: 93 evaluations, 199 case contacts, 117 with ongoing investigation; outreach: 12 RSA, 46 schools, 351 general population; of 409, 4 imported boxes.
Thus, the total number of cases amounts to 38,503, divided as follows by provinces: 4,569 Alessandria, 2,116 Asti, 1,271 Biella, 3,990 Cuneo, 3,667 Novara, 19,244 Turin, 1766 Vercelli, 1,262 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 327 residents outside the region but in charge of Piedmont health facilities. The remaining 291 cases are pending and territorial assignment.
There are 24 hospitalized in intensive care (+2 compared to yesterday); non-intensive care patients are 378 (+24 compared to yesterday); there are 4,654 people in home isolation; The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 793,035 of which 433,895 were negative.
Three deaths of Covid-19 test positive individuals reported in the afternoon by the Piedmont Region Crisis Unit, none of which occurred today (note that the cumulative updated data reported daily also includes deaths that occurred on the days earlier and only subsequently determined as Covid deaths).
The total is 4177 deaths who tested positive for the virus, divided as follows by province: 684 Alessandria, 256 Asti, 211 Biella, 401 Cuneo, 382 Novara, 1843 Turin, 226 Vercelli, 133 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 41 residents outside the region but died in Piedmont.
Today, the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region announced that the virologically cured patients, that is, who tested negative for both tests at the end of the disease, are 28,775 (+92 compared to yesterday), divided as follows by provinces: 3521 (+1) Alessandria, 1651 (+1) Asti, 902 (+2) Biella, 2816 (+11) Cuneo, 2668 (+18) Novara, 14.615 (+53) Turin, 1370 (+5) Vercelli, 1035 (+1) Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 197 (+0) from other regions.
Another 495 are “improving”, that is, negative on the first test swab, post-illness and awaiting the result of the second.
Coronavirus, today’s newsletter in Italy: the map of new outbreaks
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