Record of hospital admissions (up to 255, of which eight in intensive care) in Piedmont today, Monday, October 26, 2020, but, on the other hand, a contagion rate that falls sharply (14% against 18% yesterday) in terms of to the new positives, which were 1,625 of the 11,367 swabs performed. Among the newly infected, the percentage of asymptomatic patients remains low (47%).
Fourteen deaths were recorded, of which two occurred on the same day and the others were verified by autopsy of people who lost their lives in the previous days. Meanwhile, we have reached the threshold of 2,000 hospitalized (there are 1,951, of which 102 are in intensive care) while the number of people in home isolation is also growing, maintaining the ratio of ten to one compared to the latter (19,316) .
The total number of deaths is now 4,273, divided as follows by province: 696 Alessandria, 261 Asti, 222 Biella, 412 Cuneo, 400 Novara, 1,876 Turin, 231 Vercelli, 133 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 42 residents outside the region, but died in Piedmont. Regarding the positives, which have become 57,160, the general subdivision at the provincial level becomes: 5,804 Alessandria, 2,968 Asti, 1,897 Biella, 6,921 Cuneo, 4,833 Novara, 29,815 Turin, 2,314 Vercelli, 1,648 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola , in addition to 414 residents outside the region, but in charge of Piedmont health structures. The remaining 546 cases are pending and territorial assignment.
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Virologically cured patients are 30,066 (+98 compared to yesterday), divided as follows by province: 3,648 (+13) Alessandria, 1,688 (+7) Asti, 940 (+4) Biella, 3,038 (+8) Cuneo , 2,875 (+15) Novara, 15,157 (+37) Turin, 1,435 (+7) Vercelli, 1,075 (+7) Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 210 (+0) from other regions. Another 1,554 recovered clinically.