Coronavirus, in Pavia a positive 4-year-old girl in kindergarten: classmates and teachers in quarantine


A 4-year-old girl attending kindergarten on March 8 in Pavia tested positive for coronavirus. Ats (the former ASL) and the Municipality of Pavia have already sent the other 13 children of four and five years of their section and the teachers to quarantine, anticipating disinfection. The rest of the school will remain open regularly.

The girl was swabbed because she had a fever. The child’s mother contacted the pediatrician, who ordered the swab that resulted in positivity for Coronavirus. We immediately activated the procedure with Ats Pavia – explained Alessandro Cantoni, municipal education councilor – to take charge of the problem. The school management, teachers and families of the 14 children in the section where the case occurred were contacted. No restrictive measures have been foreseen – Cantoni added – for the rest of the school, considering the separation of the sections into stable groups. We immediately carry out the local sanitation interventions, as well as the monitoring of the entire school in collaboration with Ats.

Meanwhile, 25 children from a section of a nursery school in Porto Mantovano They were placed in home isolation after six of them experienced flu-like symptoms between Thursday and Friday. The provision, the school says, is a precautionary measure. The isolation was suggested by Ats Val Padana and will last until the time when the results of the swabs are announced, scheduled for Monday. It is not the first time that Ats Val Padana has taken such a measure. In recent days, other students from other institutions have been quarantined until the result of the swab. So far nothing positive has been discovered and therefore everyone has returned to class within a few hours.

September 12, 2020 | 11:21

