There are 162 new Coronavirus positives registered yesterday in the city of Naples, 400 registered in the last three days. Therefore, the contagion bar returns to the same values as the peak of October 2, but well above the 116 cases marked on Saturday and the 126 last Sunday. The ratio between positives and swabs increases alarmingly. Only in the month of September, there were a total of 1,736 new infections in the city with a daily average that, in the last week, was constantly higher than 100. The total, since the beginning of the epidemic, is 4,303 positives but the The number to consider is the 3,290 people in fiduciary home isolation (almost all close positive contacts). This situation is now evident in the city’s health system, both hospital, territorial and home. A total of 120 (out of 450 in Campania) hospitalized with residence in the city and seven are in intensive care (stable data) while the two Covid centers under the jurisdiction of Napoli 1 are practically full. The last death dates back to Saturday. Even Cotugno, the main axis of reference, despite having reached the maximum number of 144 beds last night, has little reception room. It is no coincidence that yesterday the injured Polyclinic opened eight sub-intensive therapy places created this summer under the direction of Giuseppe Servillo, head of resuscitation of which three are already occupied (two in transfer from Cotugno and one from Nocera).
In the contagion map for September, health district 30 stands out with 258 cases (Miano, Secondigliano, San Pietro a Patierno), followed closely, with 248 cases from district 31 (Avvocata, Montecalvario, Pendino, Porto). Popular areas of residence of many precarious workers, workers and foreigners who often have housing conditions incompatible with the isolation of the home and work needs and various social and health emergencies that must be well focused and supported with ad hoc projects in close proximity. synergy between the social services of the Municipality and health authorities of Asl’s thesis and prevent the easier spread of the virus. With 247 cases we also have district 33 (Vicaria, San Lorenzo, Poggioreale). At levels that are always quite high but lower than the peaks at the end of August, are Colli Aminei, San Carlo all’Arena and Stella (228 cases) and Posillipo, San Ferdinando with 217. Neighborhoods that have largely exhausted the thrust of contagions derived from travel returns and that now, on the one hand, are paying for the transfer of the virus from the index cases to all the contacts of the family units (in which caregivers, servants and other figures are widespread). On the other hand, there is the return to work and the intense sociability that characterizes these nuclei. A complex social architecture that should be further investigated to intercept the transmission of infections and identify ad hoc tools and measures. Less than 100 remain, only district 26 (Pianura Soccavo) with 79 cases and Barra, San Giovanni, Ponticelli, with 82 cases that apparently have always been more protected, probably also for a submerged person who escapes control.
In many neighborhoods, there are entire families in which concern is raised regarding the presence of minors, the disabled and the elderly trapped at home, while most of the new positives identified in the city maintain close paucisymptomatic contacts that should also be followed at home. Each family doctor reports 5 to 10 patients experiencing symptoms attributable to the coronavirus. That is, fever, cough, loss of taste and smell, tiredness, shortness of breath, sometimes diarrhea. All people will undergo clinical controls on time. Without prejudice to antivirals and mechanical ventilation, treatments may also be carried out at the patient’s home where there are adequate accommodation situations and home diagnostic tools (X-rays, sampling) or hospital controls and protected returns at home. ASL has hired 130 nurses, but this work must be coded in close integration with hospitals. With these premises, referral to the hospital often becomes unavoidable due to the limited receptivity of the hospitalization network, which is also flooding 118.
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