Coronavirus in Naples: “I, in the emergency room among a sea of ​​litters”


“The emergency room is an extension of stretchers. The scene is reminiscent of a field hospital with stretchers and oxygen cylinders even placed in the corridors. However, as the days go by, one almost gets used to seeing nurses and doctors struggling to move between beds and bags on the floor where patients keep their clothes. It is the Hospital del Mar, collapsing by the wave of Covid patients that grows every day, the story is that of a hospitalized doctor. “They brought me here because I had worsened after four days of being in the Covid residence where they followed me as asymptomatic,” explains the 57-year-old professional from Naples, who manages to write with his mobile phone to tell his story and the chaos of The garrison. by Ponticelli. “I could not do home isolation due to the presence of my elderly parents at home, so I was shown the facility for asymptomatic patients where I felt good until I began to experience the first symptoms” adds the patient. “I waited almost 12 hours for the ambulance that took me from that center to the nearby emergency room where I have always been on a stretcher,” continues the patient who now only hopes to “hug his son soon.”

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“We are practically all sick with Covid and now the entire emergency room has a growing number of infected patients,” says the Neapolitan professional who, from the day of his admission, was placed on a stretcher in the code yellow area. “Around me I see a sea of ​​garbage and many people helped by the ventilation machines that with their noise are the background, day and night. But there are also those who follow milder oxygen therapy, so we can have a chat, “adds the 57-year-old in reference to what he calls” his neighbors in distress. “ Suffice it to say that, yesterday morning, in the emergency room of the Hospital de la Mar, 52 patients arrived, distributed in the rooms of the red codes, in the area of ​​the old green code and the brief observation initially dedicated to suspected cases , and in the yellow zone, until a month ago for negative patients who yesterday were only 4 of the total number of patients. Most of those infected, about 80%, are subjected to oxygen assistance, administered in various ways, but in recent days even supplies of oxygen cylinders are scarce.


The number of patients who are transferred to the emergency room of Ponticelli every day registers record numbers for which it is not uncommon to see patients accommodated in chairs, waiting to find stretchers. Another scene that is repeated more and more frequently is the blocking of ambulance stretchers “loaned” to the emergency room due to a lack of free hospital stretchers. Not only. “My main problem is the bathroom because there are no toilets for Covid patients who, although they are autonomous as in my case, are forced to use a frying pan or a parrot,” explains the 57-year-old who confesses “having eaten and drunk the minimum”. possible, so as not to be forced to go to hospitals ”. I even proposed to buy modular toilets as they are used in the street or in rock concerts “continues the professional who recognizes the” great commitment and professionalism of all health workers forced to work in difficult conditions. ” To date, there are 15 health workers affected by Covid within the walls of the Ponticelli emergency room.

To deal with emergency beds, ASL Napoli 1 has signed new agreements with private and religious structures. Yesterday, the general director Ciro Verdoliva signed agreements with the Vesuvio Clinic, in Ponticelli, which will open a Covid room with 24 hospital beds as of November 9 and the Buonconsiglio Fatebenefratelli Hospital that will activate 12 ordinary beds and 4 hospital beds as of November 6 November. sub-intensive care beds. To these availabilities, 40 beds must be added at the Villa Angela Nursing Home in via Manzoni, Naples, and 90 beds at the Santa Patrizia clinic in the Secondigliano area. Finally, the Hermitage Capodimonte in via Cupa Tozzoli, in the Bosco di Capodimonte area, will activate 60 ordinary hospital beds as of November 23.

Last update: November 5 at 12:01 pm © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
