Milan, October 6, 2020 – Sono 350 (re27 of which ‘weakly positive’ and 4 after serological tests) the new positive aspects of Covid in Lombardy with 16,020 swabs carried out, by a percentage equal to 2.1%. Yesterday there were 251, but with half of the swabs (8,075). THE 373 healed and discharged, While Admissions to intensive care decreased by 1 and those to other departments increased by 15. Zero deaths in the Region.
The data of the provinces
As for the provinces, Milan returns to first place with 153, of which 81 in the capital (yesterday +87 and +51 respectively). Varese followed with +35 (yesterday +16) and Monza with +34 (yesterday +96). Then to Brescia +19 (yesterday +3), to How +17 (yesterday +1), a Mantua +15 (yesterday +3) and to Pavia +12 (yesterday +6). There are 9 cases a Lecco (yesterday +2), 8 in Sondrio (yesterday +3) and 2 in Lodi (yesterday +0).
Contagions on the rise, waiting for the new Dpcm
Attention to the figures of Coronavirus in Italy. The Ministry of Health, with the usual bulletin, released the data for the last 24 hours on the total number of cases, currently positive, deceased, cured, hospitalizations and intensive care. Last day infections are more than 2,600, 28 dead. Hospitalizations continue to rise. Meanwhile, the new Dpcm for the containment of the pandemic in Italy. “It is clear to all that the international and national situation indicates a phase change compared to the previous months. In the world, those infected exceed 35 million with more than 1 million deaths, and the ECDC places Italy in 45th place – said the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza – In all countries there is a change of direction and restrictive measures are being re-established: Italy is better at the moment and better withstand this second wave, but we must not have any illusions and he would be wrong on the basis of the numbers to believe that he is out of it. “Then in the Senate he spoke about state of emergency: “The results are achieved every day and that is why the line must be that of prudence, that is why I believe that the government’s choice of wanting to extend the state of emergency on January 31. I believe that this act fully corresponds to the epidemiological phase that we are going through. The scaffold we gave ourselves is a model that worked. “Speranza finally underlined: “In the Dpcm that we are about to adopt we evaluate the extension the obligation to wear masks even outdoors. They are the first essential tool when you meet people you don’t live with. “
Galli: “With these numbers, a winter on the ski slopes is difficult”
Regarding the next months, Massimo Galli, infectious disease specialist at the Sacco-University Hospital of Milan, paused to talk about thewinter and the ski lifts: “Which can be used in a situation like that of today I see it hard, this seems clear to me. But i hope in December it will be possible to do it again “, and this will only happen if we are able to “reverse the trend” Gods new Covid-19 infections. “We must all work hard to stop the spread of this infection again.”
Vaccine, 60% do not want it. Almost half not even that for Covid
If infections increase, it is necessary vaccinate as many people as possible against the flu, to have clean hospitals and the field of symptoms that could be confused with Covid is one of the few principles that even experts agree on. the Ministry of Health recommends maximum commitment this year in achieving the never achieved goal of vaccinate at least 75% (“optimal” 95%) over 65s and people at risk of contracting diseases, and expanding the free offer of flu from the age of sixty. The last word on a The vaccine that is optional will have the law of the market. And one supply shortage induced by public demand, inflated by the needs of the pandemic, the response of end users does not necessarily correspond. At least judging by the results of an investigation by Doxa, in which the State University collaborated: 60% of Italians would have no intention of getting a flu shot. Not only: almost half would refuse also the vaccine “that everyone is waiting for”: that of the coronavirus.
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