Milan, October 19, 2020 – En Italy Today, Monday, October 19, I am 9,338 new cases of coronavirus, found on the basis of 98,862 swabs. A figure in sharp decline but that must be read in light of the lower number of processed tampons (yesterday the infections were 11,705 but more than 50 thousand more tests). The death toll is growing: 73 today, against 69 yesterday. The same trend also in Lombardy pigeon the number of new positives collapses, but also the amount of tampons. The new cases in the last 24 hours in the region most affected by the Covid-19 emergency are 1,687. Behind Lombardy is Campania, with 1593, Tuscany with 986 new cases, Lazio with 939 and Piedmont with 933. The region with the fewest cases is Basilicata, with 22 new positives. A disturbing image that prompted the CEO of Ats Milano to launch an appeal to all Lombards: “The help of all citizens is needed to stop the virus race. “
Milan hit by the second wave
The Milan province It is confirmed in the eye of the storm: yesterday there were 1,463 new cases, of which 727 in the city of Milan. The contagion curve in Varese (+354) and Monza and Brianza (+353) also increased sharply. Three-digit increase also in the province of Como (+154, less than yesterday) and Pavia (+132). Particularly the situation of the Metropolitan City is alarming: “What worries us is that we do not know exactly how fast this phenomenon can occur in a large metropolis – said the director of Ats Milano Vittorio Demicheli -. Yesterday, our Ats launched an alarm and an invitation to citizens for each one to do their part. Everyone will have to give up something, because at this point, the containment phase is unfortunately ineffective. We cannot track all infections, to actively isolate people. Anyone who suspects they have had a risky contact or symptoms stays home, “he explained.
Data for Monday, October 19
Here we will post, as soon as it is available, i data from the Lombardy Region bulletin on the Covid-19 emergency
The new anti-contagion Dpcm
To stop the spread of the coronavirus, new Dpcm. The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, have signed the Dpcm of October 18, 2020 about the measures for the contrast and containment of the Covid-19 emergency, then an increase in infections all over Italy. The provision is being registered in the Official Gazette and the provisions apply from the date as of today October 19
This is what changes in Lombardy / PDF
Pregliasco: “We need to guide ourselves towards our habits”
For Pregliasco “the Dpcm is a first approach, it is the signal that we must give deviating to our habits, giving up some superfluous things to avoid reaching a more dangerous lockdwon. “Therefore, we must eliminate the superfluous and that is” everything that school, which must be absolutely manned, and job“.” Unfortunately, to say that this means trampling on certain supply chains, such as catering, tourism, he observed, but I think we need to sacrifice, which of course will have to be restored to avoid a war between the poor. “The worrying thing – he argued – is that sI went from linear to exponential increment“.
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