
Coronavirus, today’s newsletter October 15 in Lombardy: 2,067 new infections and 26 deaths
President Fontana announces that he has summoned the mayors of the provincial capitals and the group leaders of the parties represented in the Regional Council for tomorrow, Friday, October 16, to take stock of the situation regarding the evolution of the spread of the virus. This topic will be discussed tomorrow morning also during the Conference of the Regions. A meeting that comes shortly after a summit with the mayor that took place in the prefecture. “We had this very useful meeting with some of the representatives of the main Milanese clinics and with Ats. There is a clearer picture. The situation is worrying in hospitals, it is clear that the trend is worrying. There is rapid growth and action must be taken in Hurry: there are no radical restrictions at the moment, but in Milan and Lombardy we have to do something else. I think tomorrow may be the day to do something else. I don’t think we should go towards extreme restriction, but something needs to be done do”. This was stated by the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala at the end of the meeting in the prefecture with the prefect of the city, Renato Saccone, which was also attended, among others, by Antonio Pesenti, coordinator of intensive care of the Crisis Unit of the Region of Lombardy , Professor Massimo Galli from the ‘Luigi Sacco’ hospital and the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco.
Today’s data is not comforting, more than two thousand new infections in the region, half in Milan and the province. “For two days, the Rt index of the area
of the metropolitan city of Milan has exceeded 2 and the trend is worrying – added Sala – from my point of view, to understand where to intervene, you have to know where the infections arise ”. And the alarm is given by Vittorio Demicheli, medical director of Ats of the Metropolitan City, it is still possible: “If we are fast we can still take more restrictive measures without stopping everything. But everyone has to give up something. Right now we all agree, but the neighbor makes the resignation. However, I am convinced: if we arrive on time in the next few hours it is possible to carry out specific interventions, we still have time. I hope that decisions are made now that serve to protect Milan a little, to protect it. It is a metropolis and we are seeing what happens in other European metropolises ”.

The Sacco di Milano emergency room does not accept pulmonology patients: space is needed for Covid cases

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The expert is convinced of this, “but – Adnkronos Health emphasizes – you have to sit down at the table and graph all the activities, classifying them by their essentiality (for example, school is essential) and danger (for example, aggregations are more the most dangerous and the least essential should be blocked for a while. The essential and somewhat dangerous should be done with caution. CTS Lombard has proposed a series of ideas and I hope that the institutions involved will move forward, I hope there is a decision also in agreement with the ministry and the municipalities, not only the Region ”.

Coronavirus, Governor Attilio Fontana: “Closure in Milan? Nothing can be predicted”
There are two areas that we look at now. “One is remote work and activities, staggering schedules even for schools to alleviate the need for public transportation. I would like to add the topic of distance learning, at least for the elderly – notes the medical director. from the Milan Ats – I’m not saying don’t go to school anymore, but look for the right combination. I think the virus is satisfied with the fact that contacts are reduced, the possibility of infecting them. If in high school you do packets that cut down on participation, tidy up a bit in the morning and a bit in the afternoon, let go of those with a lab, and organize distance learning when possible, that’s fine in my opinion. I don’t want everyone to be locked up home again, “he urges.

Coronavirus in Lombardy, Governor Fontana: “Decisions on possible measures in the next few hours”
The other area refers to the hours of the exercises, “which can reasonably be reduced. And, again, among the proposals, there is a whole communicative vein, with the idea of requesting a sense of responsibility asking everyone to surrender” . to those very dangerous voluptuous activities. For example, family celebrations are a dangerous time. I repeat – Demicheli concludes – the logic should not be to lock in everything, but to do an exercise in giving up activities that can be cut, before it is necessary to give up everything “.
Coronavirus in Milan, Room: “Let’s think about intensifying smart work”
We are reflecting on whether it is appropriate to intensify ”the smart work of the Milan City Council employees. The mayor said this at the end of the summit in the prefecture. “But there is availability and I want to be clear, I am not against this tool, I had retired at another time when I assumed that we could return to the office,” he added, “because I saw the health situation under control. . That said, now the situation has changed and we have to work with extreme flexibility ”.
Coronavirus in Bergamo, stop in the sale of alcohol to take away from 21 to 6
The city council of Bergamo, chaired by the mayor Giorgio Gori, has decided for the closure of premises and restaurants at 24 o’clock, the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages to take away from 24 also for shops, medium-sized sales structures and vending machines with the Prohibition of the consumption of beverages of any kind in public areas from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Bergamo ordinance not only incorporates the content of the Dpcm for the anti-contagion regulations of covid19, but also establishes how the consumption of food and alcohol continues to be possible, starting at 9:00 p.m., exclusively in discos and restaurants, which In recent weeks they have adapted to the anti-coronavirus regulations, guaranteeing physical distancing, sanitation of spaces, gels and disinfectants available to customers, detection of body temperature. The ordinance is valid until November 13.
Coronavirus, take away alcohol stop in Brescia from 8pm
The mayor of Brescia Emilio Del Bono signed a new anti-Covid ordinance in the afternoon, extending it until January 31, 2021. The document confirms 20:00 as the limit for the consumption of takeout food on Fridays and Saturdays for the night and on December 7, 8 and 24 and January 5 and 6. The consumption of alcoholic beverages at the table is allowed in public establishments until midnight. On the same days, the carryout sale of alcoholic beverages of any strength by neighborhood shops, handicrafts, vending machines and medium and large sales structures is prohibited from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. the next day. “Catering with home delivery” and “catering with takeaway food” are still allowed, but “with prohibition of consumption on site or in the immediate vicinity after 9:00 pm”.