In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 338,398 people (+4,458 compared to yesterday, + 1.3%; yesterday +3,678) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Of these, 36,083 died (+ 22, + 0.1%; yesterday +31) and 236,363 (+1,060, + 0.4%; yesterday +1,204) were registered. Currently the positive subjects of which there is certainty are 65,952 (+3,376, + 5.4%; yesterday +2,442); the invoice amounts to 338,398 -as mentioned previously- if the dead and the cured are included in the calculation, that is, counting all the people who have been found positive for the virus since the beginning of the epidemic.
me tampons They were 128,098 (2,884 more than yesterday than they were 125,314), never that many in one day. THE hospitalized patients with symptoms are 3,925 (+143, + 3.8%; yesterday +157), of which 358 in intensive care (+21, + 6.2%; yesterday +18).
The number of new infections is of the order of magnitude of those registered between April 11 (+4,694) and April 12 (+4,092), during the closure, when, however, the situation was very different: Health were in stress, with more than 27,000 hospitalized and more than 3,000 patients in intensive care. The region most affected by the increase in positives continues to be Campania (+757), followed by Lombardy (+683). Register of cases for Puglia, which today for the first time exceeds 200 cases, reporting 248.
This is the map of contagion in Italy, this in the world. Here the bulletins of the last days.
The cases Region by Region
The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The photo above shows that of the currently positive subjects. The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 109,869 (+683, + 0.6%; yesterday +520)
Emilia-Romagna 36,638 (+184, + 0.5%; yesterday +193)
Piedmont 37,194 (+336, + 0.9%; yesterday +287)
Veneto 29,909 (+591, + 1.7%; yesterday +375)
March 8,350 (+66, + 0.8%; yesterday +84)
Liguria 14,474 (+152, + 1.1%; yesterday +176)
Campania 16,464 (+757, + 4.8%; yesterday +544)
Tuscany 16,612 (+339, + 2.1%; yesterday +300)
Sicily 8,479 (+259, + 3.1%; yesterday +213)
Lazio 18,748 (+359, + 1.9%; yesterday +357)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 5,144 (+110, + 2.2%; yesterday +72)
Abruzzo 4,783 (+68, + 1.4%; yesterday +61)
Puglia 8,867 (+248, + 2.9%; yesterday +196)
Umbria 2,906 (+84, + 3%; yesterday +65)
Bolzano 3,803 (+69, + 1.8%; yesterday +55)
Calabria 2,146 (+21, + 1%; yesterday +16)
Sardinia 4,608 (+127, + 2.8%; yesterday +101)
Valle d’Aosta 1,384 (+18, + 1.3%; yesterday +15)
Trento 6,355 (+59, + 0.9%; yesterday +32)
Molise 690 (+6, + 0.9%; yesterday +1)
Basilicata 975 (+22, + 2.3%; yesterday +15)
Deaths Region by Region
The data provided below, and broken down by Region, correspond to the total deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 16,979 (+1, yesterday +5)
Emilia-Romagna 4,492 (+1, yesterday +1)
Piedmont 4,172 (no new deaths, yesterday +2)
Veneto 2,206 (+6, yesterday +2)
March 992 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Liguria 1,614 (no new deaths, yesterday +2)
Campania 470 (+1, yesterday +1)
Tuscany 1,170 (no new deaths, yesterday +2)
Sicily 329 (+3, yesterday +4)
Lazio 960 (+6, yesterday +6)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 355 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Abruzzo 486 (+1, yesterday +1)
Puglia 604 (+1, yesterday there were no new deaths)
Umbria 87 (+1, no new kills yesterday)
Bolzano 292 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Calabria 102 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Sardinia 161 (+1, yesterday +3)
Valle d’Aosta 146 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Trento 406 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Molise 25 (no new deaths, like yesterday)
Basilicata 35 (no new deaths, yesterday +2)
October 8, 2020 (modified on October 8, 2020 | 17:34)