Coronavirus in Italy, the Regions do not change color for now – Chronicle


The contagion indicators are high but positive, the Rt index is low and – according to the data received yesterday – is close to 1.1, but the government wants to be extremely cautious and will reopen cautiously and progressively. “Looking to the next Dpcm in December – Health Minister Roberto Speranza said in La7 on Tuesday – we will evaluate the data until the end, we want to see how much we will manage to bend the curve, then we will continue with the principle of proportionality. Woe to permute the first signals that go in the right direction in a narrow escape. “” For a few weeks – he announced – we have seen a signal that in the right direction: the contagion index of Rt is going down. Two weeks ago it was 1.7 then …

The contagion indicators are high but positive,Rt index it falls and – according to the data received yesterday – is close to 1.1, but the government wants to act with the utmost caution and will reopen cautiously and progressively. “In view of next December Dpcm – said the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza On a Tuesday at La7 – we will evaluate the data to the last, we want to see how much we will be able to bend the curve, then we will continue with the principle of proportionality. Woe to exchanging the first signs that go in the right direction in a narrow leak. ”“ For a few weeks, ”he announced,“ we have seen a sign in the right direction: the Rt contagion rate is going down. Two weeks ago it was 1.7, then 1.4, now it’s just under 1.2 and it’s still going down. This means that the measures we have taken are beginning to have their effects and that we must continue to insist on this path. But not ‘all free’, the figures are those of an epidemic that is still very present. The most dramatic figure is that of deaths but the number of infected is also very high ”.

Yes, the numbers. Yesterday they registered 23,232 cases of positive people Alabama Coronavirus, a slight increase compared to yesterday (22,930) but with 40 thousand more tampons. Unfortunately there are 853 deaths, the highest figure for the second wave, compared to 630 the day before. However, the signs from the hospitals are good. There are 34,577 hospitalized patients with symptoms, 120 less than on Monday: of these 3,816 are in intensive care, since it only increases by 6 units. “In view of the death toll, I think there will still be a series of deaths of this magnitude still over 10-14 days, then we should see a decrease – underlines Franco Locatelli, president of the Higher Health Council – there are indicators of a clear reduction. The number of accesses to intensive care from 6 compared to 120 a week ago, the decrease in the ratio between new cases and tampons to 12.3% and the number of hospitalizations in the medical area decreased by 120 compared to +528 for one a week ago. Without a doubt, these indicators go in the desired direction and serve as an incentive to follow the strategy ”. Which is still rigorous.

Yesterday the Minister of Health signed a new ordinance thus renewing the restrictive measures relating to the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (red) and the Regions of Basilicata, Umbria and Liguria (orange), which according to the previous ordinance should have been maintained in the current range only until today. The ordinance is valid until December 3, 2020. On Friday, November 20, Speranza signed an ordinance with which the measures relating to the regions of Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Val D’Aosta (red), Puglia are always renewed until December 3. , Sicily (orange). In fact, on Friday 27 the 15 days of inclusion in the red zone of Piedmont, Lombardy, Val D’Aosta and Calabria expired, but although the data is improving for all and compatible with a reclassification in the orange zone, the option had been keep everyone ‘frozen’ another week. Of course, there is the possibility of a new classification from now until December 3, provided by the Dpcm. But this does not seem like an orientation. It should be noted that the ordinance that gave rise to the red zone also expires on Friday Tuscany and Campania and in the orange zone Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche. Here too, the parameters would allow for a relaxation, but most likely they will also wait for December 3 for them.

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