Coronavirus: in Italy the new poor are on the rise, from 31 to 45%


report caritas

Almost one in two people who turn to Caritas does so for the first time. In particular, the weight of families with minors increases

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Arzano, Naples (Ansa)

Almost one in two people who turn to Caritas does so for the first time. In particular, the weight of families with minors increases

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In the period May-September 2020, compared to the same months in 2019, the incidence of “new poor” due to the Covid emergency goes from 31% to 45%: “almost one in two people who turn to Caritas for first time”. This was stated by Caritas itself in the Report on poverty. In particular, the weight of families with minors, women, young people, Italian families who are the majority (52% compared to 47.9% last year) and people of working age increases.

Traders and freelancers

Among the people who asked Caritas for help this year, plagued by the health emergency, there were also “many small traders and freelancers: on this front, the diocesan Caritas has provided specific financial support, in 136 dioceses dedicated, useful funds have been activated to support the most urgent expenses (real estate rental, mortgage payments, public services, useful purchases to restart the activity, etc.). In total, 2,073 small merchants and freelancers were accompanied at this time. ”This is what we read in the Caritas Poverty Report.

450 thousand people served

Between April and June, the diocesan Caritas assisted 450 thousand people, registering “a strong increase” compared to the previous year. Around 30% of the beneficiaries are the so-called “new poor”, who for the first time experienced conditions of hardship and economic deprivation in such a way that they had to ask for help. Among those served in the period from March to May, the unemployed predominate, people with irregular employment terminated due to the restrictions imposed by the confinement, wage earners awaiting ordinary or repealed dismissal and temporary or intermittent workers who, at the time of Loaded closure, did not enjoy social safety nets. This is what we read in the Italian Caritas Poverty Report.
